Sunday, February 5, 2012

Good Morning, Pond Friends!


  1. Morning all! I just realized I missed seeing how many of you have been sick or in need of prayers. I read the comments but somehow my mind just didn't register.You are all in my daily prayers but I think I need to increase them a bit and stop being so self-centered that I miss the requests for extras.I know the prayers you have said for me and mine have been heard and answered. Thank you!
    Now lets go Pat's!!

  2. Like Hiker, I keep all of you in my daily prayers. I love all of you and am so thankful to consider you my friends. I'm going to paste exactly what I wrote on the Connection right here. Today, while praying for help for our friends, I'm also asking you to join me in giving thanks for our blessings. I don't want to sound all high and mighty or anything. It's just that, after spending a long time with my son on the phone yesterday, I'm flooded with seeing how blessed I am, even though at times it didn't feel like that!

    Life brings your hills and your valleys. My interpretation of the Bible (which I have to remind myself of ALL THE TIME) is that I am to WALK THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. I am not to set up camp in that valley. Counting my blessings helps me walk through those valleys.

    ANYWAY, here's what I wrote:

    I don't know why God blessed me by giving me the privilege of being my son's mother. Raising him brought me great joy, at every stage of his life. He is now a handsome young man, smart, funny, kind, and focused. I always thought he was something special (most parents probably think that about their children! ). He IS something special.

    He graduates UC-Berkeley in May, then leaves to teach English in Seoul for a year or two. I thank God for blessing me with him even more now that I am a widow and he is a young man. We talked on the phone last night for probably an hour. What a joy it is to converse with my now young adult son and know that he has a bright future, but still loves his Mom!

    I can hardly wait to attend his graduation from Berkeley. Thankfully, we can see each other via Skype when he's in Korea. I really need to get a passport!

    Thank you, Almighty God, for the precious blessing.


    I need some Kleenex! Love you all, dear Pond People.

  3. I'm all mushy, happy, and grateful today. I want to turn this quote from C. S. Lewis into art to frame and hang somewhere in my apartment:

    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you've forgotten the words."

    Love to all my Pond Friends!

  4. Gosh, Surfie, you are some wtiter this morning! Makes me sorrier than ever we didn't get to meet while you still lived in SoCal. Obviously, you're where you're supposed to be now, though. The happiness and thankfulness permeates your posting. G-d bless you!

    G-d bless all the Ponders and especially our beloved Froggy & 'Wog.

    Now... go Giants!

  5. Thanks, Kerry--your prayers must have helped because The 'Wog and I are starting to get over this gawdawful cold. Jeez, it's one of the longest running colds I've ever had. Everybody up here has it... I miss you when you're not here. Gloria, Phoo, and Paget have tried their best to keep things going while I've been sick, but we need you too ;-)

    Eva, how are you? I know you've been terribly ill. At least a lot of my COPD meds helped my cold, but you've been knee deep in it with little help. Did your doc EVER get back to you? I worry about you and miss you when you're not here. How's my boys? You're a Giants fan? Rock-throw!!!

    Gloria, how's Princess Peanut? You gonna watch the game? Eva needs some Giants rooters. How have you been feeling? How's your son?

    Paget? Where's my Paget? You and hubs gonna watch the SuperBowl? Who's your pick? How are you doing?

    I don't hear from you nearly enough, Surfie. While I was reading your note, I thought how terribly proud of you your dear husband is. He surely has to feel that he picked the best mom in the world for his boy--and that's a man's job. He's so happy for you all, I believe he'll have an easy rest now. I sometimes pick up odd things and he was so concerned about leaving you early; I know he wanted you and Michael to be okay. Now he knows you will be and you have family--and now Mike has added to it. Wonderful! I'm sure he could've dreamed of nothing better. (Yes, in heaven you can still have dreams; you answered his ;-) ALL of his--so you rest easy, too.

    (I sure wish Magdalene would write me...)

    For me, I know one day God will answer my prayers and relieve me of this awful pain so I can leave the house and do things with my sister. It's been nice having her home though she was sick too and we got in a fight over the Kleenex HA! I try so hard to remember my blessings and give thanks to God for them. My dream for my birthday in May is to have one whole day I can thoroughly enjoy, every minute of it. Help me pray for that, would you? I so want some really good days out with my Apostrophe Wog! We haven't even driven up Rainier!

    We're rooting for the Pats today, so maybe they'll bring it home. Phooey--what are you doing today? Who do you like? How are you feeling? I love you!

  6. Hi dear pond friends!

    Surfie, I needed that reminder! I've been feeling down, just thinking about our country and everything that is being dismantled by the Obama administration and the left. I know we have so much to be thankful for; all of us really do! I know I should be "praying without ceasing", as it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. We have some great prayer warriors in the pond, and that gives me great comfort. I want you all to know that I'm so thankful for all of you here, and I'm praying for you too. :)

    Enjoy the game today, sports fans! :) My family will be right there with you, cheering on their team, but I plan to go to the mall. Maybe it won't be as crowded today? ;)

    Froggy, I sure hope you're on the mend!

    Phooey, you and Page take care, and get well soon too!

    Have a great day, ponders! Love to you all! :)

  7. Hello again,

    Froggy, I just read your comment. I sure am glad you are better! Your comments to Surfie are so interesting; you are very spiritual. That reminds me that there are so many gifts from God, and your insight is one of them. (there is probably a proper term for what I'm trying to say)

    Oh, and my hubby is rooting for the Pats. Right now he's preparing his "famous" barbeque sauce and will cook up some wings. I confess that I can take or leave football, but I enjoy the commercials, and will watch Madonna do her thing, just out of morbid curiousity. ;)

  8. Froggy, what you said to Surfie made me cry. I had to write it down. "Yes, in heaven you can still have dreams." That was a beautiful thought.

    Hope someone lets Magadalene know that we pray for her, and we miss hearing from her.

    Paget, I would love to get all bar-b-que-sloppy with those wings! We are waiting for the game to start.

    Ponders, don't worry too much about the world today. Every now and then you have to step away from problems, and just enjoy the day.

  9. Thank you for such a lovely note, Froggy. I keep you and the Wog in my daily prayers. I CAN SEE YOU going outside, walking down the street in the sunshine with Wog, sisters arm-in-arm with laughter. That is how I see both of you when I pray for you every day. I pray that it is in this earthly life and not the next! Love you both. Surfie

  10. Paget thank you for your lovely comments--and thank you for yours too, Surfie. You both give me such a boost ;-)

    I don't know about the football game. Sloppy, sloppy play by the Pats; they're gonna hafta bring it better than that...

  11. CONGRATS, EVA! You know how to pick 'em!
