Monday, February 6, 2012

This happened up here...

By Kevin Dola 
The young sons of Susan and Josh Powell, who died with their father when he ignited an explosion in their Washington home, were beginning to verbalize that their mother was in the trunk of their father's car on the night that she disappeared in 2009, a lawyer for the missing woman's parents said. Attorney Steve Downing told the Associated Press that Braden and Charles Powell, who were 2 and 4 at the time of Susan Powell's disappearance, were beginning to tell their grandparents details about the night that their father took them on a late-night camping trip...



The 'Wog and I are really terribly upset by this. Wog has a news blog (NEWSCHOMP) and being the mother disappeared in Utah and then they moved up here, we followed this story very carefully. That bastard murdered his wife, his father made up outrageous lies about his daughter-in-law to try and get his son off, and now, he's burned his children alive... What evilness.


  1. This has to be one of the most horrible stories I've heard about in a long time. What kind of monster does such a thing? It's beyond me.

  2. I heard the news in the night. I woke up and turned on my radio which is always tuned to the news. I was stunned, and then I couldn't go back to sleep. I believe Josh killed his wife because he thought she would take his boys. What a horrid man! This story has taken over the news in Seattle. Yes, I put the story on my crime blog. I will put some more up tomorrow. It is just too overwhelming right now!
