Sunday, May 20, 2012

Good Morning, Frogs and 'Wogs!


  1. It's a Road Runner kitty!!

  2. Isn't he cute! I love looking for cat pics for y'all ;-)

  3. 'HAWG'! is just running for chocolate! 'INCOMING!!!'

  4. Hi all. I went to church today for my pastor's last day. I am wrung out. I will miss them terribly. For ten years I have sat under his teaching. They will be getting a big promotion in a well known ministry. We have a new pastor and since I am not church shopping I will just stay put for a while even though it is far to go. I can still watch my old pastor on the computer and follow him on facebook and twitter.

    1. Gloria, I am so sorry you lost your pastor. It's difficult to lose someone who has made such a difference in your life, and who has touched your heart.

    2. I'm sorry Gloria. I like a settled spiritual relationship; I don't talk religion with everyone, so a change sounds very difficult. In school, one of my mentor-teachers was a minister on the weekends and he served as my advisor for nearly everything for years. I was sorry to graduate and leave him, so I know how you feel.
