Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Thursday, Ponders!

Whew! The weekend is gaining on us!


  1. Good morning all. Okay, I am ready for it to dry out and warm up again. Maybe tomorrow. Hope everyone is well and looking forward to the weekend.

    Our gas is still over $4 a gal here. They say it is because of that refinery fire several months ago. BIL says gas in Georgia is around $3 - I wish.

    I will check in again later.

    1. I've probably told this story before...I owned a van several years ago. And gas went up to $1.00 a gallon. I spit and fussed and fumed and stomped my 'WOG feet and announced, "I'm not paying $1.00 a gallon for gas!" And I sold my van. Looking back ...I see that was a silly reason to sell my van. I miss my van.

    2. Um...we were in Denver and the heater didn't work....

  2. Hi, sweetie--yes, we're all cold and rainy here in the city. The humidity has left me with an unpleasant, clammy feeling that drives me nuts and keeps me chilled. I hope we get some sun this afternoon and burn some of that off... I've restarted my PT exercises, so my back is a little tore up, but I'm so grateful my doc goes to the trouble to arrange these things--my physical therapy, medical tests. Group Health does not seem to know what to do with us Medicaid people. They let us keep our primary care doc, but then say we must have our tests done at Virginia Mason! Doc said nutz on that and he's pulled some strings and gotten me pulmonary tests, PT, lab referrals, mammograms, iron infusion etc. that Medicaid now says they'll pay for at Group Health. I guess Medicaid is being transitioned into Obamacare and nobody knows the rules--and I can't seem to make these appointments on my own even with a referral. Doc's had to step in every time. I'm lucky to have him.

    How's our Princess Peanut? Is she snuggled somewhere? What are you going to do today? I've just got lunch to fix and my PT to do...

    I never buy that refinery fire thing--I think gas would've been just as high without it.

    1. OH (secret word) I lost posting!!!!!!

      It was a good one. Later.

    2. Gloria, I hope it wasn't a Peanut posting.

      Hi Froggy, I am so proud of you, Sis, for working so hard to get in better shape.

      ObamaCare...I don't want to talk about it! I am still praying that Superman or Mighty Mouse or some American Hero will come along and stop it.

    3. It's an epic day in our household.... I've never, EVER heard 'Woggy say she hated anybody her whole life--and the other day she finally snapped out 'I hate Barack Obama!' Wow.

    4. I try not to say I hate anybody but I really do think I feel that way about Harry Reid, even the sound of his smarmy voice makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  3. Froggy, you've got a gem of a doc. Every now and then, we get lucky. This used to be the norm.

    I'm able to hear this morning! Not going to get too excited, though. Everything has been so strange health-wise this year. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed.

  4. Sorry, dear ladies. I'm sick again!

    1. We love you Phoo. KISSKISSMOOOOCHIES. You are being smooched by a gaggle of real pretty frogs and wogs! That should help you feel better.

    2. Oh, phoo, Phooey! Count me in on the gaggle of frogs and wogs sending you smooches and prayers.

    3. I love my Phoo. Prayers for you--and is there anything else we can do for you? I promise I'll cheer you up!

    4. Phoo, I wish there was more I could do. Prayers are what I have and they are free for as many as you want. I'll just keep praying.

      My son needs prayers too. He is in need of a job. He has issues which I have mentioned before but he has forbidden me to speak about them. God knows exactly what he needs. I just keep praying.

      My friend from church has a type of cancer. Her daughter told me that some family members have given up and are saying to call hospice. She is not there yet. She has so much life left in her. I just keep praying.

    5. All we can do is pray, so we will. We'll pray and pray and pray. G-d will hear.

      Love you, Phooey!

    6. Phooey, I am so sorry you are sick! :( Yes, we are sending love and prayers your way.

  5. It has been 90 with 20-30 mph wind for days here. my sinuses are not happy!

    Gloria, gas here in OKC is around $3.40. When I was in CA about a week ago, it was over $5!!!!

    Eva, glad you can hear today. Wish you could find a good doc like Froggy has. I'm looking for an MD, dentist and eye doc here in OKC. My insurance kicks in 7/1, and everything is getting checked up. Cross your fingers that I find good ones.

    I am SO glad this week is almost over. Been working 12 hours/day lately as 5/31 is the end of our fiscal year. The owner hands out profit sharing checks based on each employee's production. I have the records on paper, but he decided he wanted me to put A YEAR'S WORTH of info on a spread sheet. (I think he was testing me. I passed!) Tomorrow will be a fun day at work, and then three glorious days off!

    Anybody have plans for the long weekend?

    1. Oh, that's right--it'll be a holiday. No, we just love spending time together. 'Woggy's got homework to do, we talk about old music and movies, I read and explain all the politics she can't bear to read long tomes on herself (and she'd rather spend her time reading other things)--and what with my 10+ years of Law and Orders, I hand over the clicker and let her pick out the least objectional Sci-Fi movies to watch all day long. She'll watch ANYTHING. And we'll laugh!

    2. I keep forgetting that it's a holiday weekend. Nothing planned here.

  6. Paget, Gloria--so help me God, there's a Bengal Tiger prowling around houses across the river from Fife!

    1. WHAT? Fife in Washington. I am going to check.

    2. It's true just sighted in Puyallup. How weird is that?

    3. I was astounded! Some genius on tv said 'yeah, I don't think they're native around here'--DUH!

    4. I hope it doesn't get shot and killed. Bengals are beautiful! It definitely needs to be captured, if possible.

    5. A Bengal Tiger? No way! Did someone open a cage at the Seattle Zoo? On second thought, Fife would really be a ways from the zoo! I sure hope this one can be safely caught alive. So sad. :(

  7. I am invited to go next door for a knitting group tonight. I am working on a sweater for granddaughter Sophia. I have to start all over because Soph is a stick girl and what I have will be to big.

    1. Sophia is a lucky girl. :) I always wanted to learn to knit. Maybe when I retire and I have time. :)

    2. I did better with crocheting. When I knit, I get the stitches so tight that I can't get the needle in the stitch. Maybe that was something that just needed a little practice. I always wanted to knit on those "circle" needles. That looks fascinating.

  8. I'm going to look for an update on that Bengal Tiger story.

    Can't believe that it could be someone's pet??? There is no circus in town. There is some kind of zoo near Tacoma called Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium.
