Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good Morning, Pond Friends!

I just wanna sleep in!


  1. Hihihi1 Whowee--it rained so hard here yesterday, we couldn't see downtown for about 20 minutes. I had to call 'Wogette, who naturally was at the grocery store and looking to grab the bus home to take a cab. Of course, by the time she rebagged everything in plastic, the rain had stopped--spring downpour. And, no, we didn't see any sort of sun the last few days, so we missed the eclipse.

    Ooooh, 'Wog's alarm just went off behind me--lemmee see how long it takes her to hear it. About 2 minutes. hee heee

    Doc finally checked my thyroid like I'd been telling him to--and found out it was low like I thought. He put me back on Synthroid and it's working fine--'Woggy says I haven't shut up since Sunday noon...

    How is everyone? Surfie, your boy is going to Manila? Where's our Paget? I'll have to put scrumptious Chancies pic up to tempt her. to post...

    lalalallalala I'm singing little songs..... ;-)

  2. Hey--just ruminating about Omessorama's birth... How long does it take to fly from Honolulu to Seattle? Stanley Ann came up here with a 2 week old baby? Was she carrying 6-8 hours of diapers on her back in 1961 or was the flight shorter than that back then? She surely had to lay over in LAX for awhile... Airline let her fly here with such a tiny baby? And why did Obama go to Victoria or thereabouts to change his name some years ago? There surely are easier places to get to than B.C. to handle something like that--he didn't even have any relatives in Seattle at the time to make that the excuse for his being in the PNW.... Curious.

  3. Good mornin' all. Only liquid sunshine today. I am getting out a turtleneck to wear. So glad you are feeling better.

    Froggy, there are so many aspects of Obama's background that are very murky. Will we ever know? Conservatives are vetted up one side and down the other and inside, out. Then what the media doesn't know they make up.

    My husband was saying that with all the occupy stuff going on and the race stuff too that he wouldn't be suprised that race riots would break out this summer. Coming from him that is quite a statement.

    Is there a prerequisite for being a D congressman? Like must be a doofus? Some Dem submitted a bill to allow same day voter registration on college campuses. Surely that won't pass, tell me it won't.

    1. I think your DH is right--there's going to be race riots. As I read around all day, I see a lot of fishing for an issue around which to whip 'em up.... I have a dark suspicion that George Zimmerman's release or dropping the charges will be timed to happen around late summer, early fall... and I think it was timed that way from the start. Funny, Casey Anthony couldn't get a trial for 3 years....

      How are you, dear?

    2. I am doing better. After that event with the chest pains my imagination started working overtime and working on my mind. All I could think of was more tests (nuclear stress test), more meds (plavix) and maybe another stent. I was panicking about going backward.

    3. You and I are so much alike, Gloria. I know just what you mean about having to add up the various symptoms you're having and figure out what's wrong, or if to call the doc, or take something from home and see if it helps--or what. The anxieties DO mount up and cause their own set of problems. I hope you're feeling better--let us know. You know we're all thinking of you.

  4. I keep putting away my winter clothes. Then it turns cold and rainy again. I'm waiting for my teacher to show up, so like every good student, I'm on the Internet!!

    Froggy is talking non-stop. Enjoy the repartee!

    1. You love me tho--you tell me everyday lalala lalaaa singing happy songs and I love you too ;-)

      ('Putting away your winter clothes'--is THAT what you call the pile at the end of your bed? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  5. Where's my Phoo? Geeeeez.....

  6. Froggy, I'm laughing as I read the comments. You certainly ARE feeling better! I'm so happy because you now sound like the person I always thought was battling to get out!

    Surfie, I hope you get on to read this: there's a small mountain lion wandering around your old neighborhood. The news is giving frequent updates. Right now (at 9am pst), they think it's on 2nd St. near Arizona. I will NOT be going to Santa Monica today!

    Well, speaking of talking non-stop, I'm tired of hearing my own voice in my head. I'm going to see if I can get a doc to look in my ears today. Hopefully, I just have wax build-up (yuck) and nothing else. I don't want to have to get on a plane with this.

    See ya'll later.

    1. I'm glad you're going to the doctor; you don't want to have an ear abscess that'll one day blow out your ear drum either... yipe!

      I'll call your mountain lion and raise you 3 bears that broke into a lady's house over the weekend up here....;-)

      Thank you ma'am--I mostly am a very happy little person--but my chronic pain and other heath issues, med reactions and extreme sensitivity to low levels of various electrolytes/hormones--you name it--that the docs won't treat until my values show officially that they're low (low normal doesn't cut it) that it doesn't always show. I am basically always 'white knuckling' SOMETHING or other over here all the time. 'Woggy and I had a hoot of a time this weekend! I'm still laughing.

      It's cold as hell this morning tho, but that's okay... maybe I'll take a hot shower to drown out the power saws working underneath me (yes, 'Wogness, they've arrived). Though the saws do help cover up someone breaking up concrete with a sledgehammer out front.... so I can concentrate on some idiot upstairs trying to put together an IKEA shelf who's banging away and then dropping the hammer on the floor at various intervals. See? I'm a lucky gal lalalalalala lalala la la ;-)

    2. Hi Froggy,

      Great to see you're feeling more spunky!

      Lots of cold and rain here too. I pulled out my winter clothes again.

      We had a mountain lion here 2 weeks ago. It was about a mile from my house, in a residential area, so they had to shoot it. Sad, but it could have taken out a child or pet.

      Hope all is well with everyone. I'm writing from my smart phone, I can't get on this site at work. :(

      Have a great day! :)

    3. Oh, I hate it when they kill cats....sigh, but you're right--and cats are so quick. I remember when our black fluffy 'NadoBear caught a mouse in the house. Of course, she eventually dropped it and the chase started. She ran so fast my eyes could not track where her legs were--and I couldn't keep up with her either--I had to run. I can imagine how a puma could so easily grab someone. A mile is really close to your house--just a quick sprint.

      How are you feeling? I see all 3 of us are cold, so there's no help for that, then. How's my Chancy? I was thinking of him when I came up with this 'cat stack' picture today!

  7. Oh well, they had to shoot this lion, too. It was a young female, about 75 lbs. They tried several non-lethal options, but none of them worked. It's sad, but I know they couldn't chance her seriously hurting someone.

    Okay, ear is all clear now. Just plugged up with gunk.

    I wish I could send some of our hot temps to all who are still experiencing winter-like weather. We're still in the upper 80's-low 90's.

    1. Quite a few people here were upset about the police shooting this mountain lion. However, the wildlife expert they called in explained that it can take up to 15 minutes or longer for the tranqulizer to take effect. A lot of damage can be done to humans or pets in that short amount of time. I guess they don't drop to the ground when shot with tranqs, like they do on TV. :/

    2. Oops, I meant to post this under my comment above. Though I'm sure people were upset about this cat too. No caring person is happy when this happens. :(

  8. Phooey, are you feeling okay? I miss you.

  9. FROGGY!!!!!!!!!! Can't tell you how happy to hear you feel great! Hope and pray that you stay that way for a loooooong time!

    Eva, that is weird that a big cat would get that far into Santa Monica. Never heard of anything like that before. Too bad they had to kill her, but I understand.

    It's going to be in the 90's with 30 mph wind tomorrow. Not going to be good with my allergies. Oh well, I'm working 6:30 am to at least 6:00 pm for the foreseeable future. 5/31 is the end of our fiscal year at work, plus they keep turning more and more things over to me. I'm not complaining, such tired! Sure love getting big, fat paychecks! (To pay for my expensive trip to Berkeley.)

    Yes, Froggy, Mike is going to Manila now instead of Korea. Same thing ... teaching English. The parents of one of his great friends from school lives there, plus his friend will be moving there also. So he'll be surrounded by people he's known for a long time.

    Plus ... he is NOT getting married to Liz (main reason he changed from Seoul to Korea). After she moved back to Seoul in January, and they were apart for a long time, they both realized that each other was not "the one." I really loved Liz. Still do. Mike is only 22, and I'm sure I'll love what ever young lady he finally realizes is "the one."

    1. I thought something like this might have happened when you didn't mention Liz in your Berkeley story (not to mention the switch from Korea to Manila). Oh well, better to find it out now than later when they were married.
