Monday, June 18, 2012

I love my frogfriends!


  1. And we love you right back!

    1. Good morning sweet Froggy and Ponders from eastern Washington. Today is my day to be in charge of 4 kids today while Val takes some into Spokane for dentist appts. Possible thunder storm so no swimming lessons. Take care. will check in later.

  2. Wow! that sounds like fun, Gloria. NOT!

  3. Oh gosh, I hate when I miss some drama! I just read yesterday's posts. Well, as long as both Gloria and Phooey are alright, I'll live without knowing what happened. I did see Gerty's post about Phooey contacting her (which struck me as strange) but, since I'm not there too often, I didn't know what it was about. When you think about the state of the Country now, I can't get too upset about a website kerfuffle.

    Yesterday, the cats gave Joe a Father's Day card and included Boomer's name, too. That was nice of them. Froggy, I'm going to send you a pic of Puffin sitting in my lap as I type on my computer.

    This is the last week of school for Joe. He's driving me crazy with his fretting about being unemployed and moving east. I'm not thrilled about moving without knowing what's going to happen on the other end, either, but as I've mentioned before, there are other reasons to move. We'll be closest to his family (the farthest will only be a 2 hour drive away). From NJ, I have a 2 hour plane ride to Georgia to see mine. It's a lot better than a 5 hour trek cross country (plus the extra hours on either end at the airports)! As Surfie has confirmed, there IS life outside of California.

    1. Eva, poor Eva.... Gloria and I are just fine( Except, she now may kick and yell at me). I put The Connection kerfuffle to bed. It's over.
      Wasn't that strange for Gerty to request that I contact her.(that was the second time) I'm NOT! It could only be unverifiable gossip she wishes to convey. I have no interest.
      And, poor Joe! I know what he is going through. I moved only because I was told I was dying. Then after the move I was told that I'm not dying of an incurable disease but a treatable one(different disease). Sometimes one just needs to laugh.

  4. Quick! go to The Connection. Rake King made a statement!

    1. Nevermind, it's gone now.

    2. Really? Shoot! I missed it. You're right about the laughing part. Ya gotta laugh sometimes. Of course, finding out you weren't dying makes all annoying things (even unnecessary moves) superfluous. Without the ability to laugh, this would be one sorry world indeed! I need to keep reminding myself of that.

  5. Hi, folks. If anyone wants a happy place to post, come on down to the pond!

    How is everyone? Whew! I got up too late!

  6. This IS a wonderful place. Thank you, Froggy! I adore absolutely everyone here.

    BTW, I emailed Magdalene to see how she's doing. Haven't heard from her. Please say a prayer for her as I fear she is quite ill.

    I have a prayer request. My brother and SIL have been friends with Mark and and his wife Vicky since Kindergarten. Vicky lost her battle with cancer Sunday morning. I know Vicky is happy and healed in Heaven. Please pray for those left behind who love her so much.

    1. Surfie, it is sad that Mark lost his wife and your brother and SIL have lost a lifelong friend. Will pray for them to recieve comfort and grace from our Heavenly Father.

    2. Prayers sent. Isn't that Magdalene's issue?

    3. Prayers from here as well, for Mags and your brother's friend. It's always so tough for those left behind with holes in the heart.

  7. Today while watching over the grands, my oldest grandson came home with a stray kitten. The poor little thing looked like a drowned rat. We fed him but we can't keep him. Cute little oinge kitty and very friendly. I think I may have given him to some neighbor kids. Hope they can keep him. Why do people ditch defenseless animals out in the country?

    1. It just kills me every time I hear a story like that. Poor little kitty, not understanding what happened. Please love it for as long as you have it and make sure when you give it away, that the new owners love it, too.
