Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hi Lovely Pond Friends!

Here I am!


  1. Hi ya, hi ya, Froggy!

  2. Well, I got a new computer, but it's terribly complicated, so it'll take me awhile to get up to speed (my old one was 10 years old). It's also difficult for me to read (I need glasses, which I ordered today, but it'll take 2 weeks to get 'em). Until then it'll be slow going here at the pond.

    Tell me how you all are doing, though; I'll be thinking of you everyday.


    1. I popped up while you were typing! Hehe.

  3. P.S I don't know what 'fraud website' means. Just go to little tiny print on the far right that says visit me anyway if you get that notice and come on in!

  4. I have no idea what you're talking about. Have never seen that warning.

  5. Did I miss a party? Hi Phooey. Hi everyone.
    Froggy's wore down to a WOG today.
    Love those Frog jokes!

  6. What a good-looking froggy!

    Cool pic of Magdelene and Surfie on the Klatch!

  7. Eva, you are right. That is a cool pic of Magdelene and our Surfie. I seldom go over to the Klatch, but it was worth the visit to see our friends.

  8. Good Monday to Everyone...
    What a weekend. I'm glad it's Monday, and we can get back to normal! I was going to put up a Monday pic but couldn't decide on one... frogs? flowers? cats? just a greeting?

  9. Hi all! Hot and yuckky here. Tomorrow is going to be better so that's when I will mow the lawn. I got to face time with Katy and Sweet Baby Kaniah in Japan!! She is so funny I miss her
    Froggy glad you got up and running nothing is worse than being confined to home and not being able to get on line

  10. Hi y'all. I am back from eastern Washington. Got to stay 3 extra days and am planning to drive over myself again at the end of July. Even though I was busy, busy, busy was able to look in a few times to see what was going on. Most evenings I was so tired my eyes were crossed. Felt good to sleep in my own bed again.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  11. I am still at school. It's lunchtime so I can write a few words.

    I didn't realize that Froggy's eyes were getting so bad. I'm sure that it came on slowly, and she just didn't realize. We got her eyes checked on Friday. She has astigmatism in both eyes, so we can't just use reading glasses from the drugstore. I may have to type a few messages for her until the new glasses arrive next week.

  12. Froggy, hope your new glasses help. I really need new ones, but my vision insurance doesn't kick in until next month.

    Glad you like the pic of me and Mags. I'm working on getting me, Mags, Saguni and Montanabound together for brunch soon. That will be fun, and probably a great picture.

    I am completely wilted and drained. It got over 100 degrees today. And I'm nearly at the next stop during my day before the A/C in my car starts cooling things down. Shudder to think what my next apartment utility bill will be. Oh, well, at least I have AC!

    Take care, Ponders!

  13. Surfie...Glad you have the A/C! That's why we live in Seattle. We don't want to wilt. You are going to be jealous if tell you that we turn on the heat at night to take away the chill.

    Froggy has lost her hop! She is still dragging her little froggy-butt, so I am going to post the morning pic for Tuesday.

  14. Setting up this new computer is something else. I have to close one eye and that makes it makes it very hard to see the keyboard and monitor--don't think I've forgotten about you! My glasses we'll take 2 weeks ;-( I hope you are all well--and I love you all.

    Where's my Phoo?

  15. Just a quick 'hi'. Had an awful day beginning with the leak my car radiator sprung. I can pick it up tomorrow morning after I fork over about $700! My wonderful husband played chauffeur today, but I still took it easy on him and only did the most necessary shopping.

    Speaking of eyesight, I had smudges on my contacts all day. Very annoying. I also have some bad pain in my right heel. Gotta find a podiatrist if it doesn't go away. I think I may have a bone spur :(

    Night all. Tomorrow HAS to be better :)!
