Friday, June 22, 2012

Hi frogfriends!


  1. Just prayers, love and hugs dear froggy.

  2. Dear Froggy, please feel better today. We all love you and want you to come back to the Pond. You are our fearless leader!!

  3. Our Fearless Froggy had a surprise today. Her computer quit...
    I mean it Q-U-I-T!

    So I, the 'WOG, got to spend the day riding buses, finding a new computer, waiting for the recovery disks to be made, waiting for a taxi to take me home.

    Did I memtion that it was raining all day? After all, it is Seattle. Taxi's don't come very fast when it rains. I couldn't stand on the street corner with a heavy cardboard box, and flag a the rain. Just miserable.

    I finally made it home with the computer box full of secret parts and instructions. You can't just toss Froggy's computer aside and plug in the new computer. She has a beautiful roll-top desk with the computer tower tucked neatly behind a door. So my next project will be to pull out the old computer, and start unplugging cables.

    So we won't be on for a while.

    When I get it done, Froggy will be soooo happy. It is a beautiful HP computer with 8GB of memory and 1T (that is a terrabyte of the other memory). I don't think that she will run out of space for her graphics this time!

    1. Wog, you should get an award for sister-of-the year! :)

    2. Thank you Dear Paget...I just do what needs to be done. Though it wasn't any fun in the rain. Most of the time I don't mind a little water dripping on my head. You know, you just can't take cardboard or paper into the rain.

      Which brings me to another favorite topic. Some poor-idiot-people of-Seattle-government have decided that we can't use plastic bags for groceries. Actually, I prefer paper bags for groceries. But again there is the problem of RAIN! It RAINS in Seattle. The government has a plan. No plastic bags. But if you want to use paper bags at the store, it will cost you a nickle! They want you to use special woven bags for your groceries. I don't want to carry around the woven bags in case I might stop at the store.

      You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to pay a nickle, and get my paper bag (on sunny days). The other days..I'm taking my stash of plastic bags to the store. Do you think I will be arrested?

  4. Dear Froggy, we're looking forward to you getting back online! Please remember that we all love you, and we miss you when you're not here!

    Prayers going out for you!

    Wog, you are doing a great job pinch-hitting while Froggy is down and out!

    Love to you and all the pond people. :)


  5. Zippity Doo..Yeah Pond Team. I got Froggy's new computer all connected.

  6. Big Sis, I love you! I really do!

  7. Froggy is eating a popsicle, and trying to restore her files and settings using Carbonite. Carbonite said it may take hours or even days to restore everything. So we'll see! (Carbonite is a business that dropped off Rush's show, but today I am glad that we have it.)

    Eva, you might want to put Carbonite on your computers before you move just as a backup. I think there are other programs that do the same thing. Maybe Rush has a new one on his site.

  8. Holy Moly! What a day you had, 'Wog! What a sister you are, too. I'm so glad you both have each other.

  9. I might be back; I love you all. This compuputer is a bitch.
