Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Thursday, Pond Friends!


  1. Well, it's rainy as heck today--how about you gals? Gloria, I answered your question last night in the last post--I still haven't figured out how to get an article up.

    I spent last night making a very pretty sympathy card for our Aunt Betty and Cousin Marnie in Edmonton. It seems our Uncle Elmer died over the weekend (95). He'd broken his hip and had to be put in a nursing home/rhab that was going to have to be there awhile, if not forever, and he just said no. They said he had to (Aunt Betty is in her late eighties and can't lift him!) He threw a fit, stop eating, and died in 9 days. He was the most stubborn man alive. He just wasn't going to have it.

    He was alway very kind to Linda and I, though, so we got a kick out of him. I'm sorry he's gone, but he was awfully difficult to deal with; he lived a good long life.

    Where's my Phoo? You feeling better? How's everybody?

  2. Phoo, is here(speaking in third person--like, WOG does). Feeling better here... more important... we, want to know how you are doing! Speak woman!

    1. I'm in a lot of pain, but I'm hanging in there PhooFrog. It's kinda 2 steps forward and a step back with my lower back, but I'm hanging in there. I'm gonna try PT once again next Monday. Getting my back stonger is really the ony answer. I'm so glad your feeling better--I worry. I love my Phoo!

    2. Froggy, I'm calling you!

    3. Phones's on! I'll have it on tomorrow, too!

  3. Hi Frog, Hi Wog, Hi Phoo, Hi everyone else.

    Just got back from doing some errands. I ran into a lady that I used to work with. We had an interesting talk. She came to this country from Poland about 25+ years ago and still goes back to Poland to visit friends and family (what's left of them). She said that many people die at an early age from odd ailments and a lot of cancers. Also people are choosing not to have children because of the high amount of birth deffects. They are closing a lot of schools because there aren't enough students. Their ground is still contaminated from Chernobyl. It affects the food they grow. I have never been a fan of relying heavily on nuclear energy. This is a sad story.

    1. Gloria, I never thought much about 'Agent Orange'... until... I had rare/many issues!

    2. Did you really, PhooBear? Wow! I'm sorry. What was it like?

    3. Goria, I like nuclear energy. I read a wondederful book about what those poor souls had to deal with Chernobyl. I could never understand why they don't build containment shells everywhere BEFORE they had any kind of meltdown. Also, someplaces--Indonesia--just isn't suited to nuclear power due to the high incidence of earthquakes, bad earthquakes. Turkey and Iran and Japan all are lousy with earthquakes above 7, the Pacific Rim (San Onofre always puzzle me), places in Chile etc. The need to rethink where they put them.

    4. Phhooey--wasn't napalm/Agent Orange white phosphorous--not nuclear. Or am I mistaken?

    5. Sorry about my typos--I'm on heavy muscle relaxants and type weird.

    6. It's Ok dear, you need rest! Stop worrying! smOOchoonesseeesss!

  4. Phoo, I think you're on to something. A boyfriend of mine from waaay back developed debilitating physical ailments at a very young age. He was a Viet Nam vet. For instance, he had to rinse off in the shower FOREVER. Any trace of soap or shampoo made his skin erupt in awful rashes. By the time he was in his late 20's, he had the body and physical ailments of your typical 80 year old. He passed at a very young age.

    Also, my father-in-law worked in the Skunk Works at Lockheed after WWII, designing the SR71. They worked with a lot of chemicals developing a spy plane capable of being invisible to radar. He developed a host of mysterious ailments that normally affect men much older than he. He died at 64.

    Whatever the cause of your ailments, I'm glad you're our PhooFrog and are still with us! I pray for you every day. SMOOCH!

    1. Surfie, I'm not on to anything, other than the stats need to be revealed. Those in country(Vietnam)(or any other war zone) vs ordinary people.
      something is wrong.

  5. Wow--you gals and frogsters have fascinating info. We sure never heard about this in the 1970's-1980's!

    1. In times past the idea of protecting the worker and the soldier was not very high on the list. We didn't concern ourselves with what would happen down the road after exposure to certain hazards. Besides that we were for the most part ignorant. We now have OSHA. Though I am not crazy about a lot of gubmint depts OSHA is one that protects the worker in the workplace.

    2. Gloria, I'm not talking workplace! It's War zone.

  6. Froggy and I spoke on the phone tonight. 'Wog was snoring in the background, asked Froggy to tickle Woggy's toes for me! Stay tuned.....
    I love them...... I simply love them!

    1. Aww Awww Phoobers, you made me me just burst into tears. We love you and Page, too. You always make me feel so good in my heart of hearts!
