Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hi, friends!


  1. 'Woggy is napping. I'm, trying wake up.Love you!

    1. Are you feeling better today? Sure hope so!

    2. Yes, seetie--lots better, Dear God, I' ve never felt so much pain in my life like that before. I'm going to have to rethink PT and see if I can can start much slower. Right now, Monday, I have to fine a new medical insurer--Group Health won't take Mdicaid anymore as of July 1st....sigh.

      How are you!

  2. Froggy was up, and I was sleeping in. Now I'm up, and Froggy is napping. That's what happens in Seatle when there is no sunshine, no summer -yet!

    I was reading news on Internet, and came across this article. Obama has been doing as he pleased from the get-go. He never goes through Congress...and no one censures him, or slaps his hand, and says NO!

    President Obama stated in a speech several months ago that the existing law and constitution prevents him from making changes to our immigration law.

    Our country is a constitutional republic with 3 separate but equal branches of government, law needs to be approved by all 3. Evidently President Obama woke up this morning, looked at his falling poll numbers and decided to be King.

    Being king is much more convenient and less messy than being a President.

    Read more:

    1. I sure am disappointed in Chief Roberts and Clarance Thomas.

  3. Replies
    1. We all love our Froggy.

    2. I second that love!

      Watching Journey to the Center of the Earth now. I prefer fantasy. The news currently is just too much for me. I can't believe Obama gets away with what he does. It's like this isn't even America anymore.
