Friday, July 27, 2012

Good Morning, Pond Friends!


  1. It's 9 am here. I'm off to the bank and grocery store, then in for the weekend.

    It has been from 99-106 here for weeks. They say 108 today (before heat index, whatever that means).

    My little sister has a swimming pool. You know it's scary hot when it's too hot to get in her pool.

    Please pray for those who live in the middle of the country under this dome of high pressure. Most of us will be OK. A lot of people don't have AC.

  2. Rainbows, butterflies and flowers to all.

  3. Surfie, I can't imagine so many days of heat with no relief. All we can do is hope that some cool comes soon to help so many suffering people.

    How are you doing Surfie? Is that tan looking pretyy good? What's going on with all those people who lost their jobs. I would be hysterical.

    Hi Phooey, you always have something beautiful to say to bless the day. We love you Phooey. You add so much to our little group.

    Froggy is out of popsicles! The world has ended! So I will make a popsicle-run to the store before the sun comes out. It's hard to get popsicles home on the bus on a warm day. Think about it!

    I'll be back later. I rested most of yesterday, so today I need to be busy cleaning, then finish that homework.

    Froggy is out of popsicles

  4. Surfie, you DO have A/C, don't you? You must or else you'd be fried by now. 108 is really hard to understand. I hope people are treating their pets as they're supposed to. Last week, Woodland Hills got up to 106 and they put out all sorts of warnings on TV. Remain inside. Drink gallons of water. Don't exercise unduly. You're in my prayers.

    No popsicles? Oh no!! I have a little ice chest that I take with me to the grocery store when it's very hot out. It's so small it doesn't hold much, but it makes the difference with popsicles and other ice cream treats. Nothing like getting home with a box of melted ice cream bars. Ugh!

  5. Surfie, that is just too hot! We've had our AC go out in the past, and it was like living in Hell; Literally! I will keep the middle country in my prayers!

    Phooey, your comment takes me back to the sixties! :)

    It's still early here, so Froggy and Wog are probably busy with Wolfie. He is certainly a handsome boy! :)

    Eva, a belated happy 15th anniversary to you and Joe, and may you have many more wonderful years together! :)

    Happy weekend everyone!

    1. Oops, I got a phone call while I was typing my comment below. Wog, I understand about Froggie's need for popsicles. I love them too! My new favorite has to be cherry mango. I buy those every week. Yummy! Please try to stay cool over there too. Do you have AC in your appt? My MIL didn't when she lived in Portland, and one time I got sick during a visit to her appt. as the humidity was almost as high as the temperature. I do okay with the heat over here, as the humidity is usually low.

  6. Okay, sorry for messing up the sequence of the blog. Times like this I really miss the 'delete' button! That last reply was supposed to be under Wog's comment. Geez! I will be quiet for the rest of the day. ;)

    1. Debra, don't even think of leaving us !!! We just got started !

  7. Hi Paget, I didn't go for those popsicles yet. Froggy will want one when she gets up. I'll be in big trouble if they aren't here! LOL Yes, we have been eating the Cherry Mango. Very tasty. Very addicting. Maybe I'd better get three bags.

    We haven't been too hot this summer. Just for a little while in the afternoons. Love the weather here. We haven't even put fans in the windows. No, we don't have AC. Most of the time we don't need it. I would like something to keep the dust under control, though.

    Okay, I really am going for those popsicles now! bye...gotta run for the bus.

  8. I do have AC. This is my 1st summer back in OK, and am told it's like this every year. Am also told that last summer was even worse.

    I'll be celebrating when it cools off, complaining when winter comes, celebrating spring, and complaining again next summer!

  9. Hi Surfie, let's be glad that someone invented air-conditioning! Even fans were a great invention, and car air-conditioning too. I think in places where it gets really hot, the Fall is the most beautiful time of the year. Froggy likes the changes in seasons. For me, just put me by the beach, and I'm happy all year.

    Froggy got her popsicles. She's happy and slurping away! I went to get the popsicles before Seattle toasted up for the afternoon. I almost got stuck downtown. They closed a lot of streets for the Seafair Torchlight Parade. That means a lot of bus stops are closed, and the buses are rerouted. I finally found a bus stop that was still okay.

    You know, it's fun to leave and go somewhere, but what a joy it is to come home.

    Anyone want to join in, just drop by. Me or Froggy will be here at The Pond.

  10. I'm tarred! Goodnight Wolfie and friends.

  11. Goodnight Dear Phooey.
    Goodnight, Mrs Calabash, wherever you are. (Jimmy Durante)

  12. Where are you girls? Playing with Wolfie?

    Did you get some popsicles?

    Smooches from HotOkla!!!

  13. Good Morning, I've been up for awhile. Feeding Wolfie. Cleaning up after Wolfie. Petting Wolfie. Did some dishes. Got out my accounting to study for test tomorrow morning. Checked on Froggy. She is still sleeping.

    We are having a cool, cloudy morning, but the sun will be up later, and it will be a beautiful summer day in Seattle. Last evening Seattle had a big Torchlight Parade downtown. We could hear some of the drums in our apartment. This weekend is called Seafair, and there are the big hydrofoil boat races, lots of activities. Blue Angels are scheduled to fly around 1:30 today. I may go up on roof to get a better view.

    So that's our morning so far. What is everyone else doing today?

  14. Did my laundry before it got too hot. Had a long and lovely phone conversation with my son. Predicted to be 108 today, so I'm staying inside with the AC cranked up.

    1. 108???
      Tell me that it's not true! Whew! I'm steaming just thinking about it.

  15. Hello everyone!

    Surfie, stay cool! We only have 90 predicted for today's high. Never thought I'd be thankful for 90 degrees! :)

    Wog, my town, Kennewick, WA, is also on the hydro-plane circuit, and we have our annual "Atomic Cup" race today. Every year, 70,000 + attend this race, and this area turns into one big party town. It's great for the economy and the 'younger crowd', but the majority of us older folk either go away for the weekend, or stay far away from the park. It's really calmed since the 70's when it was more like "sex, drugs, and rock & roll". They almost stopped the annual event because of its raunchy reputation, but the city leaders decided to clamp down, and control the drinking, etc., so it is now a family-friendly event. There are tons of extra motorcycle cops, etc. in town, which is unsettling to someone like me who normally drives a tad bit over the speed limit…but, then I remember they are here to control all the crazies, and I relax. ;) So, Wog, I will be happy to send this crowd over your way next weekend! With Seattle's population, you might not even notice the difference, but it will be nice to have our town back to normal again. :)

    Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you have a nice day. :)

    1. I don't participate in the activities. Would rather watch on TV if they show any of the events. I did go on the apartment roof for a half hour, but got hot and tired of waiting. I wanted to see the Blue Angels. But there is always next year. Sometimes on Friday and Sat they fly past downtown Seattle on their practice runs.

      Seattle did have a big parade at 6pm last night. I was downtown and managed to catch a bus home before they shut down all the streets. Right now I am enjoying everything from the livingroom. If they don't fly by our window, that's okay with me. Just enjoying the nice weather, and the new kitty.

  16. Just dropping in to say 'hi'. Not planning on doing a thing today. I feel very lazy and content. Maybe I'm turning into a cat?

    Joe will be back a week from today. Yay! I'm enjoying my solitude, but I'd rather have him around.

    The furballs are in their usual spots. Everybody stay cool.

  17. Hi Eva, With Joe gone for a few days, I know the furballs keep you company. If they aren't sleeping, they want something...attention, petting, food, food. Did I say food?

    Anyone watching the Olympics? We usually do, but just can't get into it this year. I like the gymnastics best, and in the winter, the ice skating is fun to watch.

    Enjoy the weekend. Stay cool.Stay happy. Drop by The Pond anytime. We all love to hear about your day.

  18. America's socialist government at its best (or worst!)
    Another STUPID law...

    July 29, 2011
    New York City Mayor Bloomberg has already played with the soda intake for his fellow New Yorkers, now he's in the lactation business of locking up baby formula in hospitals so mother's will breast feed.

    "Bloomberg is pushing hospitals to hide their baby formula behind locked doors so more mother will breast feed," according to the New York Post. This could be seen as bordering on creepy when a mayor of the city takes a step to "push" breast feeding by locking up the alternative. This isn't soda cans and bottles he's playing with this time, it's a very personal matter for many.

    Pro-breast feeding activists see this as a good move, but new mothers who would like to make their own choice without pressure from the government are a bit up in arms.

  19. Monday Morning,
    Froggy wasn't breathing very well last night, and I called ambulance to take her to the hospital across the street from us. She is very uncomfortable because they put in the breathing tube. They hope to take it out soon. Froggy really hates a breathing tube!

    She'll be okay. I'll let you all know what's up later today.

    Love all of you. Take care.

  20. Oh my! Send her our love. Prayers of course.

  21. Good morning Wog and Froggy. Oh my. I am sending prayers and lots of love also. I am glad you were able to get her to the hospital. Froggy, please get better soon.

    BTW, any Ponder that wants to contact me by email please feel free to do so. I am

    I have been missing Froggy being active on the Pond for some time now.

  22. Wog, So sorry to hear about Froggy! Also sending love and prayers. Glad the hospital is right across the street. Hope she is home soon!

  23. Hi ya'll...thanks for the loving words that you sent to Froggy. She is in ICU because of the breathing tube they had to use. They took out the tube at lunchtime, so she is talking but not making sense. She sounds like... should I say it... she sounds like a frog!

    I am home for a few minutes to feed our Wolfie, and to stretch my legs. I have been living in a sleeper chair beside the hospital bed. I will try to post a new picture for tomorrow even though it's Monday.

    Love everyone one of our Pond Family...
    Will let Froggy know that you sent love and get-well's
