Friday, July 6, 2012

Good Morning, Ponders!

He's so cute!


  1. If I'm up, the phone'll be on, Phoo. Lemmee do my meds and wake up...

    How is everyone else?

  2. Phooey, I want to talk to you this weekend, too, but I haven't even been to bed yet, so it'll be awhile yet...

    1. Froggy, I haven't plugged in my 'MagicJackPlus' yet! Love you!

  3. I hope you're sleeping now, Froggy!

    This kitten is just the cutest little ball of fur! I want to squeeze it.

    Overcast here this morning to go with the dismal job numbers. How on earth there can be polls out there that give Obama higher numbers than Romney on the economy is just beyond me. People may be unsure of what Romney will do, but we DO know what this guy has done and the answer is: NOTHING!

    1. How? Because poll numbers come from sources that are not trustworthy. There are a lot of people that are spoon fed network news points and never ask questions. I believe there is a great silent majority. I believe we will prevail. If I don't believe I'll make myself crazy.

      Oh and BTW, good morning to everyone.

    2. I agree with you, Gloria! TGIF everyone!

    3. It just drives me crazy, Gloria. It seems as though every time I turn around, there's another poll. You can make people answer in the way you want just by the way you ask the questions. I know that. I also know that most polls are weighted towards Democrats. I still can't help looking at them and going nuts when I see the results.

      I agree with you about us being the silent majority and we'll prevail, but I can't help getting depressed simply because of the way the media report things. Even knowing their bias, it's just relentless. Do these media people really want to live in a socialist country? Really? Do they think it'll affect everyone but them?

      Ah well, I'm going to try to hold onto my sanity for as long as I can. Looking at that little, sweet kitten face helps. :)

    4. I took a good look at myself and asked ... what can I do? All I can do is educate people in my life who are either ignorant, misinformed, indoctrinated, apathetic. I have chances to engage in conversations with people at work. I engage, if it seems to flow, with people in line where I'm shopping. I don't know what else to do.

      I think it was Hugh Hewitt many years ago who said, I've we win a landslide, they can't cheat.

      I will not give up. We will win, and then the hard word begins of holding Republicans' feet to the fire.

    5. That would be ... "if" we win a landslide.

    6. We have to win by a landslide. I honestly believe that if we win a squeaker, there will be riots in the streets. I hate to say it. I've always been so proud of this country with our peaceful transition of power, no matter how bitter the campaign. This time I worry. If we can win by a big enough margin, I think there will be less of a chance for unrest.

  4. What kind of kitty is this? Froggy, can you get some more? All of us Ponders want one.

    1. This is a new kind of kitty. It's called a Cutie.

  5. What do you all think about the criticism of the Romney vacation? When you look at how many times the Obamas have traveled around the country and the world extravagantly on the taxpayers dime, and then to be snarky about the Romneys it rings hollow to me.

    1. I think it's ridiculous. Romney just took this week off for 4th of July with his family. He's back on the trail Monday. Also, he did an interview on the health care decision and made a statement about the jobs numbers today. You're right, the snarkiness rings hollow.

    2. I got really peeved at a couple of conservative radio hosts (Laura Ingraham and Neal Boortz). Day after day, they slammed Romney for taking a vacation with his family.

      The man took a one week vacation, for pete's sake. It is perfectly ok and probably perfectly healthy for him and his family to take a break, be together, recharge their batteries.

      Those radio hosts gave the left ammunition. Sheesh.

  6. Hi Ya'll... Happy Friday! Sometimes you think it will never get here. Enjoy your evening, and your family. Don't let the politics nibble at your trust in this country.

    I read everyone's posts about politics. I had so many comments to say that I think my head exploded, and now I can't think of anything!

    I take the polls too, even though I know they are fixed. Who reads them anyway? Not Obama. Not Congress. Just other people on the Internet.

    A least Romney is a strong person; he can handle the heat. And he keeps smiling. That smile must drive dems crazy.

  7. Love and Prayers your way gals.

  8. Hi Phooey, always wonderful to hear from you. Sleep well, Friend.
