Friday, July 13, 2012

Nothing like a Happy Frog on Friday!

Froggy is sleeping in.
What better way to start a Friday.
'WOG is in charge.
The 'WOG rule for work today..."Don't look at the clock!"


  1. How's everyone doing today? I have today off from school. I am going to be so spoiled when I go back to work. What do I say? "Boss, sorry, but I don't work on Fridays!"

    We need a party or something fun at The Pond this weekend. Swimming, fishing, picnic? Fly kites? Ballon rides? Relaxing at the beach again? That was fun.

  2. It's supposed to thunderstorm today in L.A. As usual, I'll believe it when I see it. I want to see it, though. I miss real weather.

    Nothing feels more special than not working on a work day, doesn't it,'Wog? Even if you don't do anything in particular.

    I'm looking forward to a day of no drama... but who knows?

  3. Hey Woggy, thinking of napping with Froggy today...... does she snore?

    1. Actually the 'WOG snores...and has to wear the CPAP machine...and look strange all night. The answer to your question is "no".

  4. Good morning all. We had our own thunder storm this morning. Wowza!! Yesterday was so warm. 80+.

    Our son got a call to work today. Yea. It is only for a couple of days but at least it is something.

    What news sites do the Ponders read? I am getting a little tired of the same old ones. I really wish there was a cable news channel that was strictly from a conservative view. "Fair and Balanced" is a crock.

    1. You have to leave me off that list. I mostly read crime stories, and watch crime TV, and rely on Froggy to keep me up with politics. We don't watch Hannity or O'Reilly. Now hear is something odd; I love to listen to our favorite people on the radio (especially Rush). The problem is that I only listen when I am in the car, but we sold the car to save money.

      Froggy reads a lot of political sites, so she may have good suggestions. Here's a few: American Thinker, Townhall, World Net Daily, Townhall, PJ Media, Canada Free Press, and of course, Rush.

    2. I'm sorry Gloria. They've changed the format on Blogger and I still have troule getting an article up.

  5. Actually, I had a real bad morning pain morning and just couldn't do anything--sorry.

    I love you--and Phoo, too!

  6. Frog, so sorry you had bad morning pain. Are you feeling any better? I'll say a special prayer for you. I want you to feel better and play with us this weekend! And want you to enjoy the warmish weather up there! Special Surfie Smooch!

    Gloria, the only sites I read for information are Lucianne, Hot Air, Breitbart. I take a look at Drudge and Instapundit. I don't watch any news except for my local news in the morning (for the weather and traffic reports).

    Hope you get some rain, Eva! Fire season is looming for SoCal.

    1. Thank you so much for Froggy prayers. She was so miserable this morning. We can always count on your kind words.

  7. Blessings all around. Good night sweet ladies.

  8. Surfie, you gave us some more excellent choices for reading: Lucianne, Hot Air, Breitbart, Instapundit, Drudge.

    What else do Pond People read?

  9. Silly me. I just realized that it is Friday 13th. Guess everyone survived.

  10. No rain today at all. In fact the sun came out and it was in the 90's. Oh well. I never really believe the weather reports anymore.

    I read all the sites that have been mentioned so far plus Contentions (the Commentary blog) and Jennifer Rubin's Right Turn Blog in the Washington Post.

    I always listen to Rush, but if he's off for a day or for vacation and I don't like the guest host, I'll switch to Dennis Prager. Afterwards, I switch between Hannity and Michael Medved depending on who has the more interesting show.

    Joe & I still put O'Reilly on each night. We love to yell at him when he does his "fair & balanced" routine, but he has good guests from time to time.

    Froggy, please feel better and big kisses to everyone. I'm off to make some popcorn and see if there's a good movie on TV. See ya'll tomorrow.
