Sunday, July 8, 2012

SUNDAY: Summer With Pond Family


  1. We have Summer in Seattle, so the beach looks wonderful. Save me a beach chair. I just ran up the beach for an ice cream. Can someone bring a couple of big umbrellas? Maybe a radio for some tunes?

  2. Me! me! I brought the tunes!!!

    1. Phooey, Wonderful tunes for our Frog-Get-Together. I listened to all of them. Thanks for being our DJ. We had such a good day at the beach.

  3. Boy oh boy, do I love this picture! It's my idea of the perfect summer scene. It reminds me of my childhood and those carefree days that felt as though they lasted forever. Sometimes, I truly wonder what I was in such a hurry to grow up for!

  4. Oh, Eva you are so right. What was the hurry? That is my perfect vacation. Do nothing. Just soak up the sun. We may run out of chairs if everyone shows up. I love having a beach chair right at the waters edge where the waves just tickle my toes.

  5. Froggy's got dibs on the green chair. Phooey sit by Froggy ...with the radio. I always wonder how long it takes for the ocean to keep moving closer to the chairs. Doesn't matter how far back you set up your party.

    I don't swim, but I can float in a pool. But I love to walk along the ocean, and let the waves wash over my feet. The sand underneath my feet sifting away. he wind. The seagulls. Beautiful sunsets that warm the soul.

    All summer I will remember our day at the beach. We need to plan some more days like this.

  6. I'm happiest when I'm sitting on the sand, staring out at the water. No matter what else is wrong in my life, it calms me. I just look at the waves coming in... over and over and over. I think about how long those waves have been doing the same thing and how they'll continue long after my problems and I are gone. Somehow, even if I have no answers, I feel better just knowing that all I am is a cork on the ocean.

  7. We can all sit on the green chair (Were're frogs). Also brought in chips and fly dip. Good night ladies.

  8. Chips and fly-dip! I'll try it.
