Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday is a Great Day to spend at The Pond

We look forward to hearing from our Pond Family.
Have a beautiful day. Enjoy the summer and the flowers.


  1. Good morning ladies. So far the storm has had little effect here. I brought in cushions and bird feeders and stuff..... so far.... nothing! PTL!

  2. Did you get alot of rain or wind? I was praying it wouldn't hit you too strongly. How are you feeling, Phoo?

  3. Good Morning Ponders..
    I'm at the middle of an accounting problem...but would rather talk with you.
    Phooey, glad to see that you and Miss Page survived another hurricane. It sounds bad on the news.

  4. Glad the storm turned west, Phooey. Now we must pray for everyone living along the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama coasts.

    You feeling any better, Froggy? How much school do you have left, Wog?

    I'm doing OK here. We had a good soaking of rain Saturday night and early Sunday. It will be back up around 90 and dry all week. Which is fine with me. I can enjoy the last, long weekend of summer with family in my sister's swimming pool!

    Smooches to all my dear Ponders!

  5. Surfie...Love to hear from you! Sorry your heat hasn't let up yet, but the rain must have been a treat. Any summer is good if you have a swimming pool. Enjoy.

    Froggy is some better, but we have to keep a close watch of her feet.

    I will be finished with my 2nd quarter of school on Sept 6. Then we get two weeks off before fall quarter starts. Everyone at school is looking forward to that time off. I have one more quarter to go. will be finished Dec something. Scared to look for a job, but that's the whole idea of going to school!

    Wolfie hasn't seemed to impressed with catnip mice. So I bought a big bag of loose catnip, and dropped the mice toys marinate. Worked like a charm. Wolfie fizzled all up, jumped around, then fell over for a nap.
