Friday, August 31, 2012

Yes, It's Friday!

Silly Cat!
I'm at the top. Now what?


  1. Good Morning Pond Family...
    Phooey, how are you doing today?
    Gloria, any good news for us. You know we are always here for you.

    Did anyone watch the RNC convention?

    I am very excited about the whole thing? I get a little more depressed every day watching what is going on in our country, and so far, no way to turn it around.

    This is our chance to take our country down the right path: more jobs, more opportunities, better health care, less government interference! We just need to get enough votes to overcome the dems lying-cheating-vote stealing ways. Cheating is not the American way!

    1. Hey Wog, look at the times we posted. The same time. Ha!

    2. How could anyone not like our Presidential team after last night? I feel that the tide is turning.

      You know the map they show that tags each state as red or blue? Our state still shows blue. I think that there are a lot of silent people that don't participate in polls.

      If we don't move some of the dems out of the senate our new Prez will have a tough time acomplishing much. Isn' the tipping number 51?

  2. Replies
    1. I thought it went very well--nobody overdid or stubbed his toe...

  3. Okay everyone, here's the news. It's good news and sort of good news. They were unable to do the procedure. The abdomominal aorta that is blocked and body will make more veins to compensate. John will have the nuclear stress test and they will put dye in and examine the heart better. That's next week. Different doctor says that most people that have bypass surgery are so bad that they are not walking and John isn't there yet. He is up for a stent after more testing. His condition probably is not life threatening. I know that God hears our prayers and is not only doing a work on John's body but also on his soul. Thanks for your prayerful support.

    1. Gloria, that is great news! Will continue prayers for John! :)

    2. I'm glad he's hanging in there--I'll certainly remember to pray for him. Keep us updated, please.

  4. Staying at Daughter's place a few days therefore will be offline. Behave ladies.

  5. Gloria, good news! I will keep John in my prayers daily.

    I have an update on prayer request for my best friend, Karen. Her dizzy spells, loss of vision in one eye, sometimes slurred speech, confusion, sudden onset of migraine headaches have been diagnosed. She has a brain tumor. She's 58, a mother and a grandmother. I'm having dinner with Karen and her husband tonight. Will find out more about the size, location, treatment, prognosis. Please pray. I know you all will, which gives me comfort.

    1. Surf, praying for a miracle for Karen. Praying for her total victory and recovery from this horrible thing that has invaded her body. Asking that our Father in heaven would show her His loving kindness and tender mercies. Am putting my faith together with all others for a long life and that she would be able to live out her destiny as a wife, mom, grandmother and friend.

  6. I am praying for both John and Karen--God can work miracles in some peoples' lives!
