Saturday, September 1, 2012

Yeah! It's the weekend!

Sleep in. Take a nap. Take another nap.
Then join your friends at The Pond.


  1. Hello everybody. Is any body home? Haaalllooooo.

    Well, I just came here to get some sympathy. I got in big trouble today. And who helped me get there? Miss Peanut. I felt sorry for her, she really wanted to go outside. So I let her on the deck and she promptly jumped off, went under the deck and into the crawl space. Steve finally coaxed her to a place where he could grab her. A solid hour of that stuff. Now I am the one in trouble. Well guess who is an indoo cat now?

  2. Wolfie threw up in the hall. I'm trying to blame it on 'Woggy. Cats don't care.

    How are you doing, hon?

    1. You are right. Cats don't care. You should have seen the look on her face.

      We are OK.

      How about you?
