Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday -Join Friends at The Pond

Today is a beautiful Summer Sunday.
 Hope you drop by to say "Hi"


  1. Just stopping by to say 'Hi' to everyone. Hoping all have a beautiful day.
    How is your foot/hand Froggy? Prayers continue.

  2. Hi Phooey, It's always good to see you. Froggy is resting this morning. It must be another nap-day. We are watching Dr. Phil and waiting for football this afternoon.

  3. I'm also stopping in briefly to say 'hi'. Watching football, taking care of Bambu (giving him his meds and making sure he eats) and later we're having dinner with a friend who is losing his home. He's packing up and moving on. We're going to help as much as possible. It's very sad.

    1. Sorry for your friend dear Eva. Prayer sent.

    2. Hi Eva, How did your football game end? Our Seahawks beat the Dallas Cowboys. Everyone in Seattle is celebrating.

      What kind of medicine does Bambu get? Do you have to squirt that pink stuff in his mouth? I was never good at that. I used to get pink stuff all over the kitchen when kitty foamed up.

      I'm sorry to hear about your friend's home. I don't know what we'd do if that happened to us. Do they have a new job somewhere? This country is ....

    3. Our football game went well. Both Joe & I are Miami Dolphin fans from way back. Congrats to Seattle.

      Bambu is getting Clavamox (amoxicilin) twice a day. It's white, but I have to squirt it down fast or else I get it on me. I've done the pink stuff before, too. This smells like bananas to me, but Bambu hates it.

      We had a nice dinner out. Our friend, Steve, is going to court in a week to see if he can get some extra time to move. It's worth a try, I guess. A childhood friend of his who lives in North Carolina, manages a department store and she says she can give him a job. He can stay with her until he gets on his feet again. That part is good. It's getting to N.C. from California that is a problem now. He has practically no money, but he does own a car. He's afraid to drive across the country alone (with his dog) if he doesn't have money, in case anything goes wrong. We reassured him on that level, but he also says he's going to try and sell his furniture. It's tough. Right now, all he cares about is being able to vote wherever he lives. You can't even mention Obama's name in front of him without steam coming out of his ears! I'm with him on that front.
