Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello, Ponders!



  1. Good Morning! We're having another heat wave in So Cal this week. Yesterday it was 92. When do I get to put my summer clothes away? Thanksgiving?

    The cats love it, though.

    Biting my fingernails about the debate tonight, already. Will they plant people in the audience? I know the media have their "Comeback" stories already written.

    1. Good Morning to all the Ponders.

      I am totally amazed at how many people are openly saying that they are praying for Mitt. A lot. It's on blogs, on lucianne, friends and people I meet. It's everywhere. Mitt has embraced Israel whereas Obama has tried to stab them in the back. The Bible says "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." I will still be on pins and needles while watching.

    2. Eva...heat wave! We are having Seattle Weather...cool and rainy. We make a place for wolfie to sit (snooze)in the sun ... when we get sun.

    3. Well, gee, 'Wog... tell me how you did on your tests!

      And, yes, Gloria, I know I pray for Mitt and Paul OFTEN. 'Woggy talks about them a lot; she's much more engaged than she usually is in politics. I don't know what we'd do if he loses.

      That said, I think Obama might win the pop vote (due to dead votes, stuffed boxes etc.) and I think Mitt will win the electoral college. Now, if we could just get Obama and Co. to LEAVE.

    4. Froggy, teacher wouldn't let me take test until I finished homework. Will take test in the morning.

  2. Howdy folks. Not worried about the debate. Character and truth will win.

    1. Says the man of Faith ;-) Hi, Phoobers, how are you feeling?

  3. Hi Ponders...I'm nervous about the debate, but I know that Mitt is an excellent speaker. We'll just have to wait. Can't trust the polls, but when they are in our favor you have to wonder what's going on.

    Froggy, I need to stay a little while after school and catch up. Is that okay with you?

    1. Yeah, hon. We don't need anything from the store today--just grab some bread at the corner and come home when you're done.

    2. Thank you. You are such a good Froggy!
      Not sure when debate starts.

    3. Debate is at six o'clock our time...

  4. Hi, all! Froggy, outstanding news about your foot. You sound in great spirits, which always makes me (and all of us) very happy!

    Paget, if you read this, congrats on your trip to Honolulu! My dearly departed and I went there on our honeymoon. PLEASE visit the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. And drive up to the North Shore to see the waves at Pipeline Beach. They are bigger than you can imagine and breathtaking. Have fun!

    Eva, I remember this time of year in SoCal. Are you getting Santa Ana winds?

    I'm nervous about the debate, too. Probably shouldn't be because Mitt is a confident, wise, accomplished, decent man. But the long knives are out for him ... so we keep praying.

    Love you Ponders!

    1. Thanks, Surfie! Yes, we're definitely going to see the Arizona memorial. :) We plan to drive around the island, and see the North Shore too. :)

  5. 5:20 Leaving to catch bus by school.

  6. I'm watching the debate, and it has me wishing for a fact checker as Obama keeps spinning! I know he is back in his game tonight, but I know a lot of his talk is lies! Grrr, that man drives me crazy! I think Romney is doing great, but I just wonder what the rest of the viewers think when they watch this? I'm going for another glass of wine.

    1. Wine? Now there is a novel idea. I think I'll have a glass too.

  7. We watched. Scott said that Obama definitely was more agressive but still came across as a jerk.

    They almost didn't get to Libya. Don't care for Candy. Big dissagreement about drilling. Obama lied about that one.

  8. I agree with Scott! And Candy is a partisan hack! She was even acting like a referee about the Libya question! Why don't we ever have conservative moderators? I just don't get it. But, I'm still very hopeful that Romney will win next month, God willing! :)
