Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Friday!


  1. Anybody believe the unemployment rate is actually 7.8%? When last month it was 8.1 and we only added 114,000 jobs? I mean, I'm using their stats.

    1. "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"-Mark Twain

    2. It didn't take them long to sort out some lie. But we knew they would.

  2. Hi Eva and Phooey...
    I don't believe those statistics. You can't believe anything they say. Any jobs added could have been union jobs, or several hundred new IRS agents or...These are NOT jobs that help out the rest of us.

    Froggy, I passed my accounting test! Again I amazed myself.

    Denver weather update: Froggy is from Denver and I lived there many years, so we keep up with the news. Why the weather report, you ask? It "always" snows before Halloween. I have only seen a couple years when it didn't snow early. Well, I just checked the weather report in the Denver Post, and it is snow and rain for Friday and Saturday. HI 41, LO 29. Brrrrrr

    1. I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!

      Hey call me when you have a break. Soon.

    2. We (all ponders) are blushing proud of you little frog.

    3. Congrats, 'Wog!! You are amazing!!

    4. Wog, You are amazing! Congratulations!

  3. Froggy, can't call you. Phone is almost dead. Needs charge, but left charger in bowl by microwave. Can you let me know if it's there. I thought I brought it with me.

    What you asked about seems okay, so don't worry.

    1. Okay. Does it have a black cord? It's here.

    2. Thanks, Miss Froggy. I won't be able to turn on cell today. Will come straight home from school.

    3. Okey-dokey, hon. Didn't mean to bother you. ;-)

  4. May I interrupt this thread to say I love you all and I wish y'all a care free happy life?

    1. You're never an 'interruption', Phoobers--we love to hear from you! Sorry we have 'housekeeping' and grocery lists etc. here, but 'Woggy can't have her phone on in school, but she CAN come on the Pond for messages and, like today, she couldn't call me back.

      Kiss the genteel Ms. Page for me--the lady with an elegant voice--and throw me a toe tickle!

    2. Interrupt away, Phooey. All us ladies love having our man around :)

  5. Congratulations, Wog! YAY!!!!!!

    Of course the employment figures' books have been cooked. This regime is so shallow that it's laughable.

    I've never had a flu shot, but got one yesterday. The man who owns the company I work for had a pharmacist come in and give free flu shots to any employee who wanted one. Feel fine so far except the injection site is a little sore.

    Do any of you get flu shots?

    Love you Ponders. TGIF!!!!!

    1. Surfie, I get the shot every year. Getting the flu would probably kill me.
      We love you, Surfie!

    2. I am allergic to them--my arm swells up twice it's size and itches horrible for three weeks; the flue only lasts 7-10 days. I don't know how it'd be now that I'm older--my asthma is more reactive. It's been awhile since I've had it, thank God.

    3. I never get flu shots. My natural immunity to flu seems to be very good and my immune system is not compromised. Scott takes them.

  6. Guess what I have to do this weekend? Prepare for a Tuesday colonoscopy. Whoopie!
    And a fun time will be had for all! Please tease. I love humor!
    Ohh, Froggy! tickle, tickle, tickle! I love you babe!

    1. 'Woggy had one last year... y'all can compare notes (hee)!

    2. Preparing here for the 'day' froggy. Toilet 25 feet from computer. Will have radio (in bathroom) on 770 KTTH Seattle.(and phone) Will get Beck and 'Rush' during ..... well you know ..... the fun time. Yes! I stream KTTH! Love all! Goodnight.

    3. Oh, crap, Phooey. I'm told I should get a colonoscopy because I'm 58 and have never had one.

  7. Eva, how's Bambu doing? (And yourself, hon!)
