Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday at The Pond

What a beautiful place to Dream


  1. What a nice pond. Think I'll nap and dream today.

  2. Hi Phoo, Froggy, Wog, and all you dear pond friends,

    I love today's picture too! We've got sunshine here, and hubby is zeroed in on the Seahawk's game. Hope they win big today as redemption for last week! (disclaimer - I'm not watching the game, because I get bored sitting in front of the TV for three hours!) But, I'm happy when they win. :)

    Surfie, how is Karen doing today? I'm praying for her too. What an ordeal she has gone through! You are a loyal friend.

    What's everyone doing today? I'm planning a football themed baby shower for my daughter, who is expecting a boy in December. Lots of little details to finish, but I'm making a diaper cake as the center piece. I never heard of them before my young co-worker told me how much fun they are to make. We'll see if I can pull this off. :)

    Hope you all have a lovely day! :)

  3. Hi everyone. I'm cooking tons of food today to take to Karen's house. She's in great spirits, her vision is improving, her brain is settling down so her speech is clear. BUT she has an infection that is highly contagious. Her guests have to wear masks and gloves. Glad I'm home cooking because I don't want to get sick!

    Have a great day everyone!

  4. Hi Debra, Surfie. No nap today. Will be an early bedtime though. Keep us updated regarding Karen, Surfie. You are doing the Lords work dear.

  5. Surfie, Paget, nice to see your names today. Today's Pond picture is here to bring some peace to your busy day. Surfie, please, let Karen know that we think of her everyday! You are such a kind person to bring her some joy.

    I have homework, as always. I saved it to do after the football games. I'll drop by again before bedtime.
