Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy 12/12/2012!

I love this guy!


  1. What a face this guy has!

    I hate having computer problems at all, much less having one completely fall apart. It makes me feel soooo helpless.

    Today is 12/12/12. Does that mean anything?

    1. Hi Eva, don't think 12-12-12 means anything, but it's easy to remember.

  2. Replies
    1. I think it's a crazed weasel or squirrel, Phoobers.

  3. Hi all...HI Froggy...
    I'm trying to leave from school, but they keep finding me something else to do. Will take a cab home.

  4. I'm so excited--we meet with the housing agent at 3 p.m.!!!

  5. Froggy and I made it to the new rental agent on time. It's hard to plan when you take cabs everywhere.

    We signed a bunch of papers. I still need to get more info on Thursday, and then they will submit the application for approval. I think that we qualify for everything. We may be extra busy the next month getting everything ready to go.

  6. I'm so happy about the move! You girls are gonna be busy bees. Wish I could fly up and help you pack & move. Take care deer Ponders.

  7. Hi Surfie, I love your excitement. We haven't been approved yet. Keep your fingers crossed.
