Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wednesday Cat Wisdom


  1. Good Morning Pond Family,
    How is everyone doing today? Or is it too early to ask! I get up early because "somebody's cat" taps me on the arm at 5am. I need to adjust Wolfie's clock. I'll try to sneak back to bed for a "cat-nap."

    1. Hi Wog,

      I get up for work at 5:00, and feed Chance first thing. This is not a problem until the weekend! I've created a monster! ;)

  2. Or he'll be looking at your tuna sandwich.... lalalalalalalala la la

    How is everyone? I sure love having 'Woggy home!

  3. I love this cat wisdom and Wolfie sounds as though he's got his 2 ladies right where he wants them!

    Joe & I are at the hotel tonight and things are still on track for our flight to Georgia tomorrow. It's snowing like crazy, though. We gotta get out of New York. I hate traveling in winter. I want to watch the snow from the warmth of inside knowing I don't have to get somewhere.

    Love to everyone, both two- and four-footed!

    1. Eva, I know what you mean about traveling in winter! I hate it too. We made it home today in 6 hours, across WA state, which included driving through the snowy mountain pass. Our area had lots of snow yesterday, but held off today. The roads were bare and wet, so our trip home was totally uneventful - just the way I like it! :) Prayers for your safe trip home.

  4. Dear Eva and Joe, We will worry about you until you get out of the snow. I am afraid to fly when the weather is that bad. Be safe...and warm...and let us know when you are safe in Georgia.

  5. I'll keep you and Joe in my prayers for a safe flight, too, Eva. Hope the weather in Georgia is much better!

    Decided to drive myself to work today instead of getting a ride from my co-worker. Had to get over my fear. OKC did a really good job of clearing certain major arteries, and published a list of the major streets they cleared. Took me an hour, but got there safe! Most of it cleared away today and it was smooth sailing on the way home. Yay! I drove on icy streets!

    Have you gotten any sun in Seattle yet? As much as I hate bitter cold, sleet, freezing rain ... it would drive me crazy to have no sun for weeks on end. Praying for Seattle Sun!

    Love to my deer ponders.

    1. I'm proud of you, Surfie, braving it through the snowy streets. I just hate driving to work in the snow, and take my sweet time under those conditions. It's better to arrive late, but in one piece!

  6. OUR HOUSING MANAGER JUST CALLED; WE'VE BEEN APPROVED! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can move long about the 17th!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy times here!

    1. Froggy! That is wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you and Wog! :D

    2. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you two!
