Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday. Another wonderful day!

~ New bells for Notre Dame ~


  1. What gorgeous bells!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and slept well. The furballs and I just got up (8:30).

    Supposed to be a little cooler today, but still sunny. Heard from Joe last night that there will be flurries today where he is. Winter isn't over.

  2. Eva, I sure hope winter is over around here. It's still cold, but they predict 70 by Saturday. That is encouraging! I bet Froggy and Wog and Gloria will have rain. (since they live on the WETside of the state.) hehe.

    Our weekend was busy. We had two family dinners to celebrate Jeff's birthday. One would have been enough, however, his parents are divorced, so it was less stressful that way. He had his favorite German dish, which in English translates to "cheese buttons". It consisted of a basic dough, that was formed into tart-sized wedges, and then filled with a mixture of eggs, cottage cheese and onions. Then they were boiled, and finally, fried. Cheese buttons are best while they're hot. I served fruit compote and green salad, which rounded off the dinner. This meal required extensive prep and clean-up time, so I’m glad it’s over for another year. :)

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. :)

    Catch you all later. :)

    1. Paget, I've never heard of cheese buttons before. Are they some kind of ethnic dish? Would you share the recipe with us?

  3. I'm sorry we've been AWOL; I've been on the phone with DSHS about my medical, and the cable man was here for most of the afternoon checking out a damaged cable that ruins our tv reception. We have to go into the building cable system and somehow get them to pay for it. Our building manager already said our building won't, so it's one big negotiation. Sigh. Surfie, how are you feeling? Paget, you always describe the best food! Eva, kiss those boys--when's Joe coming home? Let's all remember to pray for Gloria's trip and our Phooster.

    1. Hi Froggy,

      Sorry I took up so much space with the recipe below. Something was askew with my spacing. :(

      I sympathize with your cable woes. For years we had trouble with Charter, and just lately it seems to be working better. Hubby doesn't like Dish or Direct TV. He couldn't get FOX news or local weather on those.

      Gloria must be having fun with her grandbaby. :) I'm sure Phoo's busy with the pups. :)

      Hi to Wog too. :)

      Goodnight everyone.

  4. Hello again pond friends,

    Surfie asked for the recipe for cheese buttons, so here it is:

    Kase Knephla ( aka Cheese Buttons)

    This is a German / Russian dish, that is quite popular. I found lots of sites online if you would like to see the finished product. One that was fun was this one:

    These are NOT low calorie, so we have them only once a year.

    This is my hubby's version of cheese buttons. Growing up, his German grandmother often made these, and he liked them so much he learned to make them himself.

    Dough -
    4 c. flour
    4 eggs
    1 t. salt

    Mix together, and add milk as needed to form a firm dough. Roll out not too thick, and cut into squares.

    Filling -
    large carton, small curd, cottage cheese
    3 - 4 eggs
    1/2 onion, finely chopped
    Put a small amount of the filling onto half of the square. Fold the other side over, and seal. Press the seam with a fork.
    After they're all finished, put into a large, deep pan of boiling water. They will sink to the bottom. Stir once, gently, so they won't stick. Boil them for about 10 minutes. They will usually rise to the top of the water when they're done.

    Heat oil in a large frying pan. Fry, and turn over, until each side is golden brown.

  5. Paget, thanks for the recipe. Sounds delicious. We haven't done much cooking yet in our new kitchen. I was never a very good cook, but now I look forward to trying some new dishes.
