Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday Swelter

~The best place on a HOT day~


  1. It's another hot day. Thought we could all cool off at the beach. I have dibs on umbrella close to the water.

  2. It's been typically hot here but nothing like the southwest. We had weeks of 105 last summer. Can't imagine enduring temps above that for long. Eva, is it still triple digits where you live?

    The ahi tuna was deelish! It was a huge piece of tuna and wasn't sure I could eat the whole thing. Well, I did!

    I'm a little kid magnet, probably because I honestly love them so much. Late into dinner, Madeline went from her side of the booth over to me, snuggled up and nearly went to sleep. Made my heart sing. Such a precious child.

    Prayer request. My brother called last night. His 90 year old FIL has been ailing for a while. Paul fell and broke his hip last night. The doctors don't think he'll be around much longer. July 4th is my SIL's birthday. Hope she doesn't have to endure her father's death right now. I'm going to the hospital to see him today. Such a dear, sweet man. Please send up a prayer for him.

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!

  3. Egad! I have been sitting here for 5 minutes just daydreaming about the picture. I have great memories of the beaches. Laguna Beach, Carona del Mar, Balboa, Newport, Huntington and Seal Beach.

    1. Also La Jolla, Pebble, Stinson. Can't wait until mid-September. Stinson, here I come! Hope I can get up to Glass Beach near Ft. Bragg in Mendocino County. I'm a sea glass collector and there is a treasure trove there.

  4. Hello Surfie and Gloria,
    We have our fans fanning, dressed in shorts, ice cold drinks. Wolfie just walks around until he picks that special place on the carpet for a nap.

    Loved the beach list! Not sure how many beach towns there are from LA to the border. That's home to me too. I forgot about Balboa Island. What a neat place. I think John Wayne had his boat moored out there. And the Laguna Beach greeter: the old guy who stood on the corner, and waved at all the cars driving by. I saw him once.

    Back to Seattle.

  5. It has been drizzling/raining most of the day here so I've spent most of the day just reading news. Really depressing. Prayers for Paul.

  6. Spent a great deal of today with Paul, and my SIL and brother at the hospital.

    Paul is at the point of crossing over. His face looks like that of an angel. He is ready to go. He has prayed for God to bring him home for months, since his wife passed on.

    God's ways are higher than our ways. I know Paul wants to go. For me, I just pray that God's will be done. Really don't understand these things. All I could do today was kiss him on the head and tell him how much I love him.

    I'm not making much sense and want to say so much more. Please pray for Paul, Debbie, Frank.

    1. Surfie,
      We are thinking of Paul, Debbie, and Frank, and sending Prayers.

  7. Ah Surfie, my heart is with your brother's family. When it's time, it's time. Only G-d knows when it's our turn. I think He does something special then to make the crossing smooth. The living don't see it, of course. It's always toughest on those left behind because we know what we've lost. I don't know how atheists get through life. If I didn't have faith, if I didn't believe in a higher power, how could I get through life? My prayers are with you all.

    Gloria, I read the wonderful news about your test results! Yay! Now you don't have to think about it for another year... so don't.

    As far as the questions that the nurse asked, I'd have laughed in her face. Fearful? Of what? In the house? I'm more fearful of what's going on outside!

    I've never seen such a dumping as I've seen lately on Paula Deen. She's being so vilified and for what? Something she said in private decades ago. This is just another distraction. The media are way too happy to pound on a white, southern, Christian woman. Store after store drops her. It's disgusting.

    Today it only got up to 99 degrees. Hot enough. Tomorrow is supposed to be 105.

    Thanks for the praise for the early packing, Paget. I'm not really doing that much. Here and there. I love bubble wrap. I have fun wrapping up crystal vases and glasses. I'm sure as the time gets close, I'm going to be frantic.

    Enjoy the little one. I can hardly wait to hear about the visit!

    Love to 'Wog, Froggy and Phooey. Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Eva, Hi Everyone...
    We've been sitting in front of fans all day. This is when we wish we didn't have a sunny apartment. But the heat shouldn't last too many days...I hope!

    I went downstairs to water our snapdragons. It's very nice outside on the patio. Our flowers are covered in buds, and they are starting to open again. The plants are happy with the heat.

    Signing off for the evening. We are watching NCIS.

    Prayers for Paul and his loving Family.
