Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday. Welcome Pond Family.


  1. I'm up early, so thought I'd drop by for a Good-Morning Howdy. It's so quiet at Froggy's house this morning, and I'm trying to stay quiet. Not easy in a small apartment. Think it will be another hot day in Seattle. Can't complain. Most of the summer we have been so cool. I've spent the last hour looking for a news article to post. Some stories are too long. Some are too boring. Some are just old news. I'll keep looking and be back to The Pond when I find something.

  2. Michelle's latest: Using hip-hop to fight obesity

    In June, first lady Michelle Obama appeared in a hip-hop music video that featured rapper Doug E. Fresh, singer-songwriter Jordin Sparks and TV medical personality Dr. Oz. The catchy song urged kids to "work hard/eat right" and "tell somebody/it's your body/c'mon." The song was just the first of a 19-track album, the majority of which are hip-hop, to be released by the Partnership for a Healthier America, the anti-obesity nonprofit that launched in conjunction with Michelle Obama's Let's Move! anti-obesity campaign, and a New York-based group called Hip Hop Public Health.

    The full album, which includes songs with names like "Veggie Luv," by Monifah and J Rome, "Hip Hop LEAN," by Artie Green, and "Give Myself a Try," by Ryan Beatty, will be released on Sept. 30.

    Let's Move! Executive Director and White House assistant chef Sam Kass says the White House is fully behind the initiative to use hip-hop – and other genres of music – as a tool to get kids to live healthier lives.

    IF YOU REALLY MUST READ MORE: http://www.lauraingraham.com/b/Michelles-latest:-Using-hip-hop-to-fight-obesity/25974367762197588.html


    Mark Levin, conservative commentator and radio host, has re-done his website. Looks great and it's easier to read. So delete your old link and try the new link below:


    Also Mark has a new book, "The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic" available at Amazon on August 13. Link below:


  4. Hi everyone. Will definitely check out the new Mark Levin link.

    I have been wondering for a long tome about Valerie Jarret. She seems to have way too much power and comes from a questionable background yet it is never talked about. Well, today Rush was talking about her being the one to give the command to stand down in Benghazi. She is cheif of staff and doesn't have authority to give such a command. I wonder what will come of it.

  5. Hi Gloria,
    I will check news about Valerie Jarret. Right now we are taking a break and watching "Steve Wilkos Show." That's always a distraction!
    Will be back later.

  6. Oh good grief! I just commented on yesterday's post when I meant to comment today. I'm really mixed up. Well, I just said 'hi' and that I'll try and check in later.

    By-the-way, I heard the same story on Rush and I totally believe it. Joe has been suspicious of ValJar from the get-go. We'll never get the truth. It's amazing what one can get away with as long as you have a complicit press.

    1. Eva, you gave us a chuckle. You must really be rattled with the packing. Wherever you post, we'll find you.

  7. I'm on my way over to check out Mark Levin's new site as soon as I leave here.

    I'd like to get his book. Heard Rand Paul's book is very good. Can't remember the whole title but it starts with "Bullies."

    So many people (including me) have thought since the get-go that ValJar is the puppet master behind Obama. I wonder how she has so much power over the President, State Department, Pentagon, CIA. Who is HER puppet master?

    Not thinking about it right now! Making myself some dinner then curling up on the couch to pour over the new issue of Food Network magazine.

    You feeling any better, Froggy?

  8. Surfie,
    I can see why you wouldn't remember the book name; it's really long!

    Here's the name of Rand Paul's book, "Government Bullies: How Everyday Americans Are Being Harassed, Abused, and Imprisoned by the Feds"

    You really do have to wonder who is behind Valerie Jarret! She has to be somebody's puppet. What's the saying: "Follow the money!"

    Froggy just can't seem to be her old self, and the heat isn't helping any. Weather will be uncomfortable at least through Saturday.
    Surfie, did you find Mark Levin's new site? He still has his old site up too. But the new one is easier to get around.

    Take some time every week to think of recipe book titles. Something catchy. Maybe we can have a Pond contest.. and everyone think of a book title.
