Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome Ponders. It's Tuesday.

Let this day be peaceful


  1. Good Morning All...
    Seattle is wishing for a beautiful day like this picture. Alas, we have rain. The plants will be happy. People waiting at bus stops, like me, won't be happy.

    What are Ponders doing today?

    Any political news other than Syria? There is always something in the world to worry about! We could always hope the president is taking care of it, or is he golfing today? Actually, we need to stay out of other countries' business. Doesn't the UN do anything? Well, we all know the answer to that question.

  2. Sure is quiet around here.

    Wog, please tell Froggy we're all walking with her and that we love.

    Phooey, feeling any better?

    Eva, I feel your pain about that last part of getting ready for a move. When are you leaving? Will you be able to give us updates as you move?

    Have a good evening everyone.

  3. Thanks for asking Surfie. The pain is gone and ate three light meals today.
    Eva, there is never a good move, some are just better than others.
    'Wog, I'm beginning to think I spend far too many hours reading news.
    Well, it's almost NCIS time. Goodnight deer frogs.

  4. I guess I'm the late Ponder around here. Sometimes Eva shows up in the evening. My bus was late coming home from the care center. That meant I missed the bus to Seattle, and had to wait half an hour. That made me late in Seattle, and had to wait twenty minutes for bus up the hill to our apartment. Drats! It's getting dark early.

    Checked phone messages first thing, then call Froggy. She sounded sleepy. They really made her use her leg today, but they don't let her walk on it yet. She makes me go with her so I can see what she has to do.

    One of my phone calls this evening was for an AARP job at Salvation Army store. I have shopped there many times. Interview is next Tuesday.

    Phooey, so glad that you are feeling better.

    Surfie, Gloria, Eva, Paget... love you ladies! Have a wonderful evening.

    Watching "Dance Moms." Don't know why I like it. It's amazing to me that such young girls can dance so well.

    Goodnight My Friends, and thanks for looking out for me and my sister.
