Sunday, November 9, 2014

We honor all our Veterans. You are in our hearts, everyday!

~Thank you~


  1. This YouTube was too cute to resist. The boy is 3-years old.

  2. 'Wog, a belated congrats on the poetry writing win! That's really something.

    We watched the Seahawks game here, too. The papers here are just tearing the Giants apart.

    Thank you to all our wonderful vets!!!!!

  3. 'Morning Ponders. Wog, will you be sharing your poem? Hope everyone is having a great week.

    BTW. I received an email from Froggy. I don't think it was meant for me. TMI.

    1. I got one, too. I deleted it because I had a feeling it didn't come from her.

    2. I am glad you got one too. Not because I want you to get spam but I just want to know that I am not imagining it.

  4. Thank You Veterans. Thank You GOP. Thank You Pond Family. Together we can bring America back to greatness.

    Yes, I'll post my poem on The Pond. It's not a great poem. It's just something that came to mind because I ride the bus a lot. Will try to get it up tomorrow.
    Goodnight All....

  5. The bus poem contest was part of a Seattle arts program. They selected 365 poems about "home" to be placed on buses. They will also give each poem a day on a website "" My day is next April. Me and another lady in our apartment building are lucky winners. I'm not a poet, but Froggy is very proud that her Sis is a winner!


    Stop Start On Off
    I board
    I sit
    I dream
    I write
    The bus rolls on
    My home away from home

    Stop Start On Off
    People in
    People out
    My stop
    Without me
    The bus rolls on
    My home away from home

    1. That is sooo clever. I really like it. My talent for poetry is nil.

    2. I LOVE it 'Wog!!!!! It's perfect and I know just what you're saying. I'm so proud of you!

  6. Just a thought...with all the kerfuffle, as Judge Judy would say, going on in the USA and in the world, where is michelle obama? It's not like her to keep her mouth shut.

    1. Maybe she is hiding because she is embarrassed.

  7. OMG, Wog. Your poem is fantastic. It's more like another of poetry (can't think of the form right now) that was oh so very in style during the beatnik days. Remember those days? The name of this form of poetry will probably come to me when I wake up in the morning. Please write more, and please share them with us.

    I haven't checked my email in weeks so don't know if I received a bogus email from Froggy. Assume it is from the troll we had here a while back.

    Weather around here is crazy! When I came home from work Monday, it was 79 degrees. When I woke up Tuesday morning, it was 33 degrees and the wind was gusting 30 mph. It has been bone cold all week. We are supposed to get a dusting of slushy rain and snow all weekend. Thank the Lord I don't live in the upper mid states where they have 2 feet of snow.

    So happy tomorrow is Friday! What's everyone doing this weekend?

    1. Stay warm, Surfie. The Polar Vortex is coming to get us all. Is the type of poetry you're thinking of called Haiku? I seem to remember those being sort of like 'Wog's style, except they had to be much shorter.

      My weekend is going to be all about football, as usual. Joe is going up to NY. His brother is coming in from Calif. to see the folks. I'll lie around with Bambu and watch games, movies and eat popcorn.

    2. During the beatnik days the audience instead of clapping would snap their fingers. Sooooo, this is for our 'Wog.
      *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap*

  8. Aw, Shucks! Glad you all liked my poem. I don't really write poetry, but when the criteria was about home, and they would display the poems on the buses around Seattle, it all came together. I spend a lot of time on buses, so they are my "home away from home." Do I hear more "Snapping"? Thank you Phooey. I loved those days when we were young, and lived on the beach, and played volleyball on the sand, and played music in our Volkswagen buses, and wore bell-bottom, hip-hugging pants.

  9. Haiku. That's the form of poetry your poem reminded me of. snap. snap. snap!

    How's Froggy? What's everybody doing this weekend?

    1. Hi Surfie, Haiku is a mystery to me. I am impressed by those people who can write them. Froggy is wrapped in blankets in front of TV...trying to stay warm. I keep turning up the heat. It will be a quiet day at Froggy's and 'WOGs.

  10. If I try to write Haiku or any other form of poetry, it is a mess. When I write spontaneously, from my heart, it is good as gold. Just like your poem. Please keep writing, Wog. I remember years ago when Froggy was writing. Froggy, would you please write again? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

    Hope you sisters keep warm. We were in the 20's all last week. Yesterday afternoon it got up to almost 50. Right now a huge cold front with snow is moving into OKC. They say we will get about 2 inches. So, I'm inside for the day ... packing for my move, cooking, writing a cookbook for my son and his fiancée for Christmas.

    I spent 4 hours with my Aunt Lynda yesterday for her birthday. I put together a family photo album for her. We sat on her bed, looking at pictures, remembering our family history, laughing and crying. Took her for lunch at Cattlemens Steakhouse, one of her favorite restaurants. The simple things in life are what really matter. Yesterday with Aunt Lynda made my heart sing. Made her heart sing, too.

    Love you Deers.
