Friday, November 18, 2011

Have a nice evening, Ponders!


  1. Big time happy in Katy's house tonight! Kaniah came home !!! WOOT WOOT a party ,dance, jumping for joy ,hootin and a hollerin!! Thank you all that have prayed for this family we appreciate it so much and you are forever in our prayers.

  2. FANTASTIC news, hiker!!! I'm doing the happy dance along with you & Katy. This will be some story that sweet baby Kaniah will hear when she grows up!

  3. Goodnight, everyone. Sweet dreams and see ya'll in the morning :)

  4. Me, again. I was over at the Connection just now and I wanted to tell Phooey, "I love you"! I just don't understand some of those ladies. Nope. Not at all. Horrible and cruel and just plain strange.

  5. Phooey, I've got your back. It's sad and disappointing to see the comments at the connection. It started out to be so much fun last year. Not so much anymore.

    This is a nice place to be. Good night friends.

    Love to you all. :)

  6. Hikergal,

    I also wanted to say how happy I am that your sweet Kaniah is home! That is wonderful news! :D

  7. Paget, you're a sweetheart! We love Froggy, the 'Wog and the Pond, but you & Phooey have the guts to show it over at the other place. Blessings on you both!

  8. WHO THE HELL JUMPED ON MY PHOOEY? I'm about to come major unglued! Lemmee go see...

    Good for Kaniah, Paget, Eva's right about you and Phoo; you both have a Godly heart.

    Now, I'm going to frogscowl over to the Connection...

  9. I know this is last night's thread but I have been kinda thinkin' like what Paget said only I don't have the guts to say anything. I really hate confrontations of any kind. It is not so fun anymore. Now I mainly go there to see and read opinions of others because I really am interested. If you notice there are a bunch of folks that are just not there anymore. Sad.

  10. Well, at least you said them here, Hooly, and I appreciate the support. I was always afraid I made a bad showing in front of you because I respected your opinion so much!

    I don't hate confrontation--in fact, I want to set things right a little too much. I hate to see anyone hurt or set upon by a pack and feeling all alone. It's really an awful feeling. But speaking out and wanting to manage the thing isn't always the right thing to do, either--it's gotten me into plenty of trouble, now and then LOL!

    The truth is, I don't always know how to handle someone nasty--always picking at it--like Gerty. I know that it comes from some deep-seated insecurity but, after the first shots are fired, it makes me defend rather than ignore. Sometimes--frequently--ignoring is the best way to extinguish a negative behavior, and I know that, I just can't always do that.

    Thanks for what you said here, though--I wish you'd say 'hi' more; we miss you, I miss you! I'm sorry it's not so fun over there--you'll just have to come here--we want ya!
