Friday, November 25, 2011

Ponder this!


  1. Good morning, all! Still kind of sleepy, but the sun is shining and the cats are meowing. May as well get going and see what the day brings. I'll check in later.

  2. Hi sweetie! (You'd better feed those boycats!) My sleep has increased to 4-6 hours a day ever since I stopped those meds. The feeling is coming back into my whole body--it's really incredible. I can't believe it. I can feel my feet again... I know I can because I can now feel some of the cat litter Boris jammed into the carpet and spread around. His 'sprinkly' little legs went everywhere!

    Not all of the feelings are good ones--but at least they're feelings. I'd gotten to the point I'd felt encased in concrete with no way out. As each part of my body was affected more and more, it had started to shut down... I'm experiencing my systems turning back on, so it's a rollercoaster, but I feel better than I have in years! I am very grateful, and thank you for your prayers--it's been a helluva experience...

    Hey, I went over to the Connection for the first time in awhile--what the heck happened to it? There's about 5-6 posters posting continual inside jokes in the Klatch and not much else--not even a donut! New folks aren't included and encouraged to post--made to feel at home--in the least.

    It's turned into Yotty's Livingroom, and there's not too many seats left in front of the tv! What a high school clique! I thought, with me out of the way, everything would be okay... I think Joshua would be disappointed as all get-out.

  3. Good morning. Froggy, I am waiting each day to hear of your progress. Will continue lifting you up in prayer.
    I have been thinking about Ms Lucianne and her family and what they have gone through this year. This is the first holiday season without Joshua. It must be really tough.
    There have been so many other losses this year. I have a hard time expressing myself when it comes to those times.
    You have endured a lot as has Phooey, Then there was the loss of FL Homeschool Moms DH. Hikergal's Mom's passing . Then Nu's Pop. I have left out some. Others we know have been really ill. There have been losses of our military also that seem so unnecessary. It has been a year of many changes.
    Shame one me for looking at the bleak side of things after a day of Thanksgiving.

  4. So, you noticed the "new" Connection, huh, Froggy? It's a little strange, to be sure. I post on the Sports Wall or sometimes comment on a cute Critter. I'll always offer prayers on the Faith Wall to anyone who needs them, but that's pretty much it. I agree with you about what Joshua would think, but it is what it is.

    I'm glad to hear your "system" is coming back "online". Once it is, you can decide what comes next. At least you'll be you and not some lady full of meds :)

    Gloria, you're right and no shame involved. There have been some real tragedies this year for a lot of people and tough times for the rest. Still, what I give thanks for is that we're Americans and, so far at least, that means we have what it takes to survive until better times come.

  5. Hello fellow ponders,

    Gloria's comment has been on my mind today. It is hard to see our dear friends and families deal with so much pain and sorrow. I think we're so much more aware of our friend's sufferings because we are all online and connected these days. And this connection is a good thing, because we are all praying for each other. Where there is prayer, there is faith and hope and love. That is the good part. We are mere mortals, but as long as we pray for each other, I truly believe that God will move mountains.

    Now, just a note on Froggy and Eva's comments about the Connection. I don't even recognize it anymore. It sure doesn't have that warm, welcome feeling that was there a year ago when Joshua got it started. What I do really miss is the yearly Thanksgiving recipe postings on Does anyone know why that stopped?

    Have a good evening, friends. :)

    Love to all. :)

  6. That recipe thread was a lot of fun. Ms Lucianne used to join in. I have saved quite a few recipes. Silly stuff like whore squirrels. They gave us the recipe wall to submit recipes through out the year but I still missed the thread.

  7. Lucianne's heart might not be in it this year, but I don't know for sure. It's sad.
