Tuesday, December 20, 2011



  1. Heading up to the in-laws today. We'll be there through the 26th. Limited internet use due to ancient computer. I'll try to check in as much as I can.

    Happy Hanukkah starting tonight, Froggy. I'll be thinking of you as I light my candles. I'll be thinking of everyone on this blog, as I treasure each and everyone of you dear friends. Including you, Phooey, wherever you are!!

  2. My menorah is set up in the window just waiting. I'll be thinking of you, too, hon. Have a lovely holiday.

  3. I could see the lit candles of Froggy's menorah when the cab pulled up in front of our building. It put a sweet glow in my heart to match the smile on my face. My Jewish sister had put her menorah in the window of our apartment.

    Blessings to all. Be safe. Be happy. Come back soon and share your thoughts and stories.
