Tuesday, December 20, 2011


US Not Headed Towards Euro Socialism…it’s Far Worse


  1. I don't have the heart to put up much more than this--certainly not the whole thing--but please read it.

    Phooey--I'm going to miss you terribly. I always cherished our talks. I love you and always will.

  2. This is a scary article! How close are we to a dictatorship? I always thought that barack would never step down, no matter who won the election. I guess we'll soon see if that's true.

    Though I do think the election will be "rigged" in his favor. Again, it won't matter who runs against him. Voting is just "busy work" for the American people. It doesn't really count for anything. Voting should count for everything!

    Think about it!

    And what president signs a public announcement with his first name? Would President Bush sign "George"?

  3. Scary stuff indeed. :( Part of the problem is so many of the "sheeple" are just that - Not paying attention! In my own family it's hard to get them aware without starting an argument. No one wants to talk politics. I have a couple friends I can discuss this with. My BF is so busy with her ailing mother and busy life, that she just knows the rest of us will take care of this. Well, that's not so! I will pass this around. *Sigh* I pray for our country everyday. :/

  4. Oh, about his signing his name 'Barack'--that's how he signed his 4-5 line missive about the end of the Iraq war... what a guy!

  5. I read the article. Thanks for directing me to it since I wouldn't have found it on my own. I have people in my family that are hard to talk to too. I have to guard my words or start an argument. Especially about unions, which my brother and SIL are so into. One of my friends asks me about who and what to vote for.
    Most of the people do not know the bills that have been passed on our behalf. Then there is the sneaky Executive Order - so much for being transparent. And the media that helps hide what he is doing. Pray for our country.

  6. I so appreciate it when you gals comment on the articles--you're so sharp and it lets me know you read 'em--thank you!
