Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A menorah I'd like to see...


  1. Good morning.

    I need a little interpretation. These words are vaguely familiar. Are they cities/areas or people? Can't identify the guy either. Saw your thing about seeing your menorah so you must be in a high rise.

    Spent yesterday taking DH to the oral surgeon. I was so concerned for him but it went well. Today I will be seeing my cardiologist. Am hoping he will take me off Plavix. The stuff has side effects that no one will admit to. Besides that it is very expensive. Today is a new day and I am in God's hands so I will just rest in that.

  2. Oh, Gloria--I'm sorry you're having health issues--and I feel for hubs going to the OS. I'll be praying for you, hon, for sure! I have had many, many side effects--even landed in the hosp.--and the doctors have said it's not a new med I'm on. Of course the side effects wear off the minute I discontinue the meds. I don't think doctors listen well enough... Kiss Princess Peanut for me--how is she adjusting?

    Oh, and about the cartoon.. that's Ahmadinejad trying to blow out a 'menorah'--eight 'candles'--of his nuclear prep sites burning to the ground. A couple of them HAVE had mysterious explosions--I wish they all go up!

  3. Oh, now I get it. Justice served? I think the "mystery" is the Suxsnet (sp) worm still active and doing its work.

    As for the health issues it kind of goes with the territory - age. My goal is to get off these meds before I am on Medicare. Scott is on his first year of Medicare and we got hit with a few surprises just because we didn't really understand it. My other goal is to take off weight. I know that taking off weight would help with all else.

    Princess Pea is taking over and already has our hearts. Watching her get all hopped up on catnip is a hoot!

  4. She sounds like a real dollbaby! Careful that using catnip too much or too often will stop up her bowels some... esp. if she's older. We'd usually limit our rapscallions about 20-30 min. with it 3 x a week...but every cat's different.
