Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Have a hoppin' good day!

Good Morning, Pond People!


  1. "Hello my baby, Hello my honey, Hello my ragtime gal"
    Good Morning, Ponders. Guess what? I vote today! Hehehe!

  2. I wonder if there is a possibility of our state getting back polling places. The only way to vote is by mail. It is the best way to cover voter fraud.

    Friday morning before I left DD's house I said I need to quick check my email. There was one from Sophie. "I wish you could stay longer." I turned around and she was standing right there. When I got home there was another from her. "I miss you already." How sweet is that?

  3. Phooey, that tune is going to stick in my head now all day.

    Did you get one of those "I voted" stickers?

    1. Good! (and you need it)hehehe....Yep! Page and I voted! BTW....
      "Hello my baby, Hello my honey, Hello my ragtime gal"
      Ain't I a stinker!

  4. Froggy, how come Puffin isn't showing up as my avatar?

  5. I Finally after living here for a year got to my local library branch.It's about the size of a 2 car garage!! The adult fiction section was 1 book case 4x6 plus another one for reference books like encyclopedias , the adult non fiction was half that( mostly parenting and cooking) and 5 bookcases of children's books!I found 3 James Patterson's that I wanted to read the rest of the fiction was all black themed ,which I will read soon.I may finally reach a bucket list goal of reading all the books in my local library!LOL Fortunately I can order anything on line from the main branches down town and have it delivered there. It is also only 2.5 miles away so I can walk there once a week!
    Did I mention its in the area called Braggtown? The little library isn't much to brag about, but I'll take it! They do a lot of after school tutoring so I signed up to volunteer. I love working with kids.

  6. Hiker, any child would benefit from spending time with you. You have so much positive to offer. What a gal!

  7. Frogs are a little hoppy today.

    Hiker loved your description of library. Seems like it would make a story for Reader's Digest.

    Trying to do some unemployment thing on the Internet. Of course, it didn't work. Said if I logged off that I'd have to wait ten minutes. While I'm waiting...I'm on my way to the refrigerator. Nibble time! Back later.

  8. Hiker, what Gloria said. Good for you!! Let us know about it. I bet you're going to have some good stories.

    Gloria, whenever I leave my niece & great-nephew, I'm always so sad. When I land in Los Angeles & turn my cellphone back I usually find a text from her with a picture of the little guy saying how much he misses me. You're right, it's so sweet and it means a lot.

  9. Today, one of our neighbors moved to another state. Page and I will miss them.
    Godspeed Christina, Morgan, Izzy, and Bella.

  10. Sorry I've been missing in action; I've been semi-throwing up all day. I think I have a hiatal hernia or some such and am going to have to change my eating habits--I feel like hell.

    Good for you for tutoring Hikergal!

    Love you and Page, Phooby, Phooby, Phoo!

  11. Good night, all! Oh Froggy, I feel so badly for you. I hope you don't have a hernia, hiatal or otherwise. Please rest and keep hydrated and sip slowly. Thank goodness 'Wog is there with you.
