Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I'm still having trouble posting; I'm in Google Chrome now and I hate it. I sure wish they wouldn't fix 'what isn't broke'! It'll be slow going. You all have a nice day!

  2. I wanted to get my prayers in for Phooey & Page. What a thing to have discovered! I'll be thinking about you both as you deal with this. Let us know when you can. We love you!!

  3. Dear Frogs, Thank you! I'm embarrassed this morning for the high drama. Last night, Page could not remember where the money went... this morning she did! It went to our daughter as a temp loan. It's coming right back.
    My memory is terrible, but forgetting where 50k went? that's worrisome to say the least!
    OLD AGE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Even with the happy ending, you're right that old age sucks! Glad it all worked out. Whew!

  4. Great news Phooey! :) Sounds like a happy ending to me! :)

  5. Phooey, I'm so glad it worked out; I was terribly worried about you last night; I'm so glad that you remembered the loan; my memory is going straight down a rat hole, too, and I, increasing, can't remember half what I should--you all take care!

    1. Dear Froggy,(worrywart) I didn't know anything about the loan. Page did it without my knowledge. Anyway, It's over. Been cleaning house today.... now, back to mopping floors. I'm not kidding. Later, loves.

  6. Phooey, thanks for the update on the money. The Pond can use a little drama! Your post did very nicely for drama. Glad the problem is solved.

    Does anyone watch the Decorah Eagles? They have live video feed on the nest. The last couple weeks two eagles were geting the huge nest ready. Then a few days ago we had one egg. Now we have two eggs. Last year we got three eggs. All hatched and survived.

    Gotta go. Going on bus ride to downtown. Need to be back to watch Judge Lynne Toler on Divorce Court. Tonight we will watch Dance Moms and The River.

  7. Wog, last year watched the birdies, not this year. My TV programs are: politics,science and food. Not in that order. Momma(Page) is asking for me to come to bed.(Yes dear!) Gotta go. Goodnight sweet peas!

  8. I watch a lot of Law and Orders, crime shows, 48 Hours etc. 'Woggy grabs the tv for SciFi and some of her judge shows and various reality shows and crap. We only have one tv out here, but I have a small one in my bedroom where I can watch my some 200 old fashion movies and b&w that I grew up with--we have ALL the classics, musicals, a lot of classic scary movies and Hitchcock. We remember all the old stuff and love to talk about it and sing the songs from it. I can't even recognize the garbage they have on now...

    I read my politics all day long through numerous sources on the web. 'Woggy likes animal show, too, and I'll occassionally watch the military history stuff.

    You and Ms. Page take care SMOOCH!

  9. I watch the Decorah Eagles and also the Oceanside Owls. The owls have 4 eggs so far. When they hatch, those little ones are SO ugly! But they grow up to be such incredible looking birds!

    Heading to the TV now to see what's on.

  10. Phooey, so happy you found out what was going on with the money. Sure beats having your identity stolen!

    I like to check in the Decorah eagles. It was fascinating last year, watching them hatch and on through leaving the nest.

    TV-wise, I watch Hawaii Five-O (for the scenery and male eye candy) and NCIS Los Angeles (mainly because I'm a big fan of Linda Hunt). I watch local news in the morning but get my national & international news off the internet. Other than that, there really isn't much to watch besides old movies. OH, I am a big fan of Chef Anne Burrell on Food Network. And I watch Top Chef when its on. See everyone later!

  11. Hi all, trying to catch up again. Comcast comes today to rewire outside today. We were without for a day and a half. Will be glad to have it done.

    Am so glad to hear about Phoo's situation being settled.

    I put the Decorah Eagles on my favorites.

    I so agree with you Phoo. Getting old DOES suck. I am not so old yet - I'll be 63 soon but some days I feel decrepid. My sleep is so messed up. When I am awake at night I start worrying about our future. Hard to turn thoughts off and go back to sleep.
