Monday, February 20, 2012

GOOD MORNING, Pond People!


  1. Hi folks! I'M up, but the 'Wogster went back to bed (she's laying about a foot behind me, so I can still tickle her toes with the back scratcher!)

    We had a massive fight last night over whether or not it was the bells from evening Mass at St. John's that 'Woggy heard or the guy's car alarm that parks at the building next door... (it was the car alarm--'Woggy's deaf as a post--I have to repeat evevything to her twice--and I have ears like a lynx (I can hear a spider crawl on the wall.) Besides, Mass doesn't ring bells at 6:13 p.m. on Sunday night...

    Other than that--and a strange bunch of accidents and crimes here this weekend--it's been slow. We have fire alarm inspectors comming 'anytime within 3 days' to liven things up. How does YOUR week look?

  2. I'm going to H&R Block to do the taxes today. Joe has his urologist appt. Neither one of us is looking forward to the day ;-/

    Speaking of church bells, yesterday we watched "Song of Bernadette" on TCM. One of my favorite all-time movies!

    Everyone have a good day!

  3. That kitty is adorable! (I have a weakness for orange & white kitties.)

    I've been having trouble with the woman above me who leaves her dog out on her balcony in horribly cold weather. The poor thing howls & cries & bangs up against her door to be let in. He's out there for such long periods of times he piddles over the side of her balcony, and it lands straight on my patio.

    I'm really upset about the dog pee raining down onto my space, but REALLY upset about her treatment of the dog. A lot of neighbors have complained. Animal welfare has been here once. Yesterday, one of our neighbors (a police officer) stopped by. He stood right outside my patio, looked straight up at her balcony and told her, basically that he was concerned about the dog's health. Told her he couldn't accept it any more, and would be checking on the dog throughout the day and night from now on. The dog has been inside her apartment ever since. She never walks him, so I suppose he is doing his business inside her apartment.

    Clearly, something is not right with her. She's about my age (I'm 57), also a widow. I've tried to connect with her. The lights are on but nobody's at home. She looks like a very old woman. Brittle hair, deep lines, leathery skin on her face. Chain smoker. I can tell she is just very sad.

    Please say a prayer for her. Please also pray that her dog is found a new home if she doesn't start caring for him.

    ... Other than that, things are just ducky around here, except for the weather. I can't wait for Spring to arrive!

    Hope you all are well and safe today. See you later, Pond Friends!

  4. Hi Eva.. Sounds like a busy day for you and Joe. Sometimes you can't put off things any longer. I haven't done taxes yet. I think if I get a refund, it will be deducted from my unemployment. I would like it to be extra money so I could pay off a couple bills.

    Surfie, I am appalled at how some people treat their pets. This lady will probably never treat her little dog very well. I wouldn't want to rent her apartment if she moves. I also wouldn't want to be the landlord, and have to clean it up. We wouldn't have a dog without a backyard for him.

  5. Surfie, this shows what a tender hearted person you are. You see the two needs here the dog and the lady. Your neighbor probably has not had an easy life. She probably does need prayer. You are a good friend and a good neighbor to even notice.

    I don't know if I am ready for spring. As long as it is icky outside I can use the weather as an excuse. We have so much work to do outside and I am not able to do what I once could. So frustrating. I have all these grandiose plans and ideas but don't get much done.

  6. Dear Gloria! 'Woggy feels like that all the time and I always have to tell her to take it easy--that nothing is as important as she is--and that she's done a good job. She always wants to do more. That was sweet what you said about Surfie; you always make folks feel good about themselves, glad for having talked with you. That's why we love and need you here ;-)

    Eva, taxes and the urologist? Well, okey-dokey, then; sounds like your day is all planned-out LOL! I think you've trumped our fire alarm inspectors by a mile hee. Song of Bernadette? We watched Joan of Arc right before it. I always knew we were on the same page...

    Surfie, bless your heart, I will pray for her. Have you talked to your building manager? Does he or she have any solutions? I'd hate to see that go on--and have pee all over my porch. You'll get used to the weather... at least you can tell me what the sun looks like LOL!

    'Woggy stepped out to see what floor the inspectors are on--and get me some popcorn. We don't have too much else planned though I sure fel better than I did yesterday!

    Where's our Phoo???

  7. Where do you find the cute animal pics? I need some to send to my little girls. Sophie's favorite animal is the meerkat. Camille likes cuties.

  8. Yeah, where is Phooey? He hasn't been around lately. Maybe Page has got him busy with something.

    We're getting a whopping $300 tax refund. If only we could declare Puffin and Bambu as dependants! Oh well, at least it's done for another year.

    I also got my car smog tested and it passed. Whew! Another thing to check off my 'to do' list.

    Surfie, it sounds like you and your neighbors are united about this woman's dog. That's the only thing about the story that makes me feel the least bit better. I hope the poor thing is okay. The dog, I mean. The woman I'll pray for, but I have trouble with people who allow a helpless animal to suffer.
