Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good Morning, Pond People!


  1. Good Morning, all! Hope everyone has a drama-free day.

  2. Good Morning, everyone. Hope we are all safe from shootings and tornadoes. The gloom of the Northwest is back - rain today.

    I have been trying to do some yard clean up. Can only do a little at a time. Have been thinking for a while that this place is to big for us, with more physical work than we can handle. Unfortunately with what has happened to property values it looks like we may be here for a while.

    Here is a link to those pretty pictures of the Palouse in eastern Washington:

    1. Send me that link in an email hon--Blogger gives me grief whenever I highlight it to copy... and it's not linked in.

    2. Sorry, I make mistakes. I will send it in an email.

    3. It wasn't a mistake you Silly Wabbit--it's BLOGGERS peculiarity.

  3. Hi Eva...good to hear from you this morning. So far it is a spendid day! A little rainy in Seattle, but very quiet. I rode a couple buses to school this morning, and everything seems far.

    I'll be back later. I need to listen to my accounting teacher.

  4. Hi folks--It is, indeed, rainy here today. 'Wog, were you warm enough going to school? I'm eating a popsicle, so I'm cold momentarily. I'm trying read the Internet and my book at the same time.

    Phooey--how are you doing? Prayers for you, always, dear friend.

    1. Sweetheart, I'm back to my normal. Need to work on slowing my slide downhill. Page and I are seriously talking about changing our unhealthful ways. Prayers have always been your way since we met.

    2. Phooey, always glad when you show up. You are so appreciated around here.

      As for healthful living try what Scott and I do - we tread water, constantly trying to keep our heads above water. (I really hope you know that I am kidding.)

  5. Hi Froggy...Yes, I was fine on the bus. Just rainy, but not pouring. Having good day at school. Need to study for a test this evening.

    What would Miss Froggy like for dinner? You can't just eat flies every night HAHAHAHA

    1. Now that casts an awful image when she types: SmOOch! Hehehe!

    2. Phooey! It's my PhooFrog!!! I miss you like anything! How are you???

  6. I'm done with my book The Amateur--Paget, do you want it next? Then Surfie wanted a turn...

  7. "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2
    Lord, grant me this prayer for my pond friends. Amen!
    Good night, sweet peas.

    1. That was beautiful Phoo! smilesmilesmile lalalalalalalaaa lallala lala Good night--I'm happy now.

  8. Phooey, thank you for the Scripture. I pray that for you and so many others every day. Always wonderful to hear from you!

    Gloria, thank you for the link to those pictures. When I ask people I know who don't believe, I ask them how this beauty occurred, how this planet and this solar system and the universe as we understand it is so perfectly balanced. They call it perfect chaos. Who makes the chaos perfect? They go deer-in-the-headlights.

    Froggy, thanks for the picture. My big sister, Susie, passed away over 10 years ago. That was her favorite bug! They are very beautiful, as was Susie. Your picture brought her to my mind again today and brought a smile to my face.

    Tomorrow is Friday! YAY!!!

    Froggy and Wog, I'm so glad you are safe after the shootings.

    1. Thank you, Surfie--we've had some of the the most peculiar crimes happen up here lately. I'm sorry about your sis. We're headed for Friday! I have PT restart on Monday.
