Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy FrogDay to Me!

Let's have a party!


  1. Thank you so much for all your kind words yesterday, friends! You're the only ones that really got me through it (along with 'Wogitude). PT went fine; the man was nice and very obliging. I'm not in very good shape but he was very positive and upbeat and I liked him. I have a page of exercises to do and I get to go up there a lot! I actually felt better afterwards than I did before--and here I thought I'd be in such pain. Pfffst! I get silly when my anxieties go through the roof.

    Hikergal, what hapened to your arm that you needed PT?

    Love you all!

  2. Happy Birthday, Froggy!!!!!!!!! It IS your birthday, isn't it? Hope you have a wonderful day!

    So glad to hear PT went well yesterday. We were all hoping you'd have a great experience. Sounds like you did!

    Party wise ... I'll bring party hats and decorations. What kind of cake would you like? How about some strawberries dipped in chocolate? Can you have a glass of champagne?

    I'm off to work. You all behave and don't eat and drink everything before I get home!

  3. Hippo Birday!!! I hope it is a wonderful day for you!!

    About 3 months after My Joe died I was changing an overhead light in our bedroom ,11 foot ceilings .Coming down off the ladder I slipped and fell backwards .My left arm went between the mattress and the steel bar frame.My left inner arm were all the nerves branch from was pinned against the metal bar for I have no idea how long because I blanked out from also hitting my head.Did I ever tell you I am a true klutz???!!! At 1st it just felt numb like I had fallen asleep on it. Next day I went to Dr. they sent me to nueroligist. Nothing any body could do, they sent me to PT.At 1st it was just trying not to lose everything by stretching it was like my arm was in a coma absolutely no movement or feeling from 2 inches below the arm pit. then insurance ran out and BG's college friends in PT tracks used me as a guinea pig The dogs licked it a lot to and were constantly putting their heads under my hand and nudging it Every one agrees the dogs were the best help, for almost 3 months it seemed like every 10 minutes one was pestering me on that hand and one day I was able to move my finger tips a little and sorta scratch!!I could do NOTHING with my arm it was a flopping dead weight and now I only have an occasional twinge ow numbness in my pinky!!!

    1. OhMy HikerGal.. I had no idea. You couldn't do that accident if you tried. You didn't break any bones? That is amazing considering where your arm was stuck. Progress is slow, but it sounds like you are making progress. Your puppies are helping you!

  4. Good morning and Happy Birthday Froggy!

    Got back yesterday from eastern Washington. Trying to catch upon thngs that have happened.

    For some reason I thought today would be PT. Glad it went well. The PTs are there to help you get better. They go through a lot of training and anyway who would go to them if all they did was cause pain. I've had therapy for my knee and for a frozen shoulder. n more frozen shoulder but the knee is another story. Amazing how a body can adopt an unhealthy posture to guard against pain. Froggy, I would just like to encourage you and once again Happy Birthday.

  5. Happy Birthday Froggy! :D

    I'm so glad your PT went well, and that it was yesterday, and not today! This is your day to celebrate, and PT wouldn't fit the celebration picture, IMHO! ;)

    Love to you, and enjoy your day!

  6. Thank you friends! I've had a wonderful birthday so far. 'Wognation gave me a book about Viet Nam I've been wanting and a wonderful card that turns into a 2 foot banner. I love the cards I've gotten. My A1C is a little high, so I'm not sure what kind of cake to have when 'Woggy comes home. I have to seriously do something about my sugar that I eat. But I'm very feeling very positive and you all are very dear to me. I'm happy As a clam!

    I hope you all have a lovely day! I bless God for letting make it to 54!

  7. The computer ate my post. I'll try again.

    You're just a young 'un, Froggy, at 54! I've got my party hat on, the sun is shining brightly, and I know today is going to be one of your best days ever! Only think happy/hoppy thoughts. Watch out for that PhooPot, though, he can be sneaky with the bday surprises!


    Here's what I can remember. I changed computers.
    I am writing from school between classes.

    Our Birthday Froggy was crying when I left home this morning. She was so overwhelmed by everyone's Bithday Wishes, and love, and support. She is such a totally Sweet Froggy. I just wanted to let all of you know how much you mean to our Birthday-Froggy. She is now a very Happy Froggy.

  9. Right you are Apostrophe Wog! I've just done one set of my PT exercises--and I'm about to take a nap. Thank you for making my day so special ;-) I have a little warm Froggy heart all over!

  10. P.S. 'Woggy--I hope you come home with something good for dinner!

  11. Ms. Froggy... What would you like for dinner? What sounds good for a Birthday?
    I will brings all my books home first. Too much to carry. I have no suggestions; been eating candy.


  12. Aw, you two are such great sisters!

  13. Sounds like you're having a fun birthday and feel pretty good. Yay! We girls should feel good and have a little fun on birthdays!

    I LOVE the nicknames you and Her Wogness call each other. Sometimes, I laugh out loud when I read them! You are blessed to be sisters AND friends.

    You, my dear Froggy, are a treasure. And so is your sis Woggy. This blog is one of my favorite places to visit. Keep on keeping on! And HAPPY FROGNESS TODAY!

  14. Hey Woggy, Rod Serling's "Twilight zone".. remember the 'earwig episode'.
    Sweet dreams! Hey! you gals like SciFi! Hehehe!

  15. I'm signing off for the night to watch Cagney on TCM. Hope your day is still being extra special, Froggy. Remember you're still a youngster. Love you!

  16. No, Phoo, I don't remember that episode--but I sure loved my birthday phone call from you today! Give a kiss to Ms. Page for me and behave!

    My whole birthday has been just wonderful--thank you so much for your comment Surfie. You all have made me so happy! Eva, kiss those cats square on the head--I'm going to eat cake!

  17. Well, I did some tickling of toes this evening. Love you all! Nite nite.

  18. Paget, you can send Chance over Fed Ex...
