Sunday, May 6, 2012

Howdy Rowdies!


  1. Does your leg lose it's motion
    On the bedpost overnight
    If your sister says don't move it
    Do you holler out loud in spite
    Can you catch a raisin on your tonsils
    Can you heave it left and right
    Does your leg lose its motion
    On the bedpost overnight

    Good Morning ladies.

  2. Good Morning Phooey,
    Love your morning song. Of course, I had to sing it! Twice!

    I'm the "go-to" Pond Friend so far this morning. Froggy didn't go to bed until early this morning. The house is very quiet. Too quiet. I turned on the TV. Trying to decide something to eat. I was thinking maybe...spam and eggs, or eggs and spam, or spam and spam.

    Phooey, what are you and Ms. Page up to today?

  3. So someone at The Pond has a Birthday coming up soon. Who could it be?


    Our Froggy has her birthday on May 8, Tuesday. She already wheedled a couple gifts out of me. My sister knows my weak spots! I try to tell her that there won't be any gifts if she gets 'em early. She stomps her little frog-feet until she gets gifts.

  4. Phoobers, you're in fine frog fettle this morning! I just sang your lovely song and 'WogCHOMP did a dance! How are you this morning?

    I have a physical therapy appt. tomorrow that I'm terrified of....

    1. Froggy, I know your fear. Once in Asheville, I got so drunk before an appointment, Page needed to call for assistance to get me in a wheelchair!
      Not one of my finest hours. Now, after being poked and pricked so many times... it's just routine. This 'Borg' thing in your mind "resistance is futile", needs to go! Prayers your way, Babe.

  5. Froggy, had to look up the word 'fettle'. Was happy to read it's not something you step in.

  6. Excellent Phooey!

    Try not to worry about tomorrow, Froggy. Remember, if they do something that hurts, yelp. LOUDLY. You are in control. Not them. By all means, tell them you're nervous about it before they even start.

  7. I'm honored to be a frog friend. Good night, ladies.

  8. Froggy,

    You've gotten excellent advice from Eva and Phooey! I remember when hubby had physical therapy. They always listened to him, and stopped when it was too much for him. I know you are very capable of expressing yourself, just make sure you do that tomorrow! You know we are all praying for you too!

    Wog, I hope you and Froggy enjoyed the nice weather today. My son was over your way this weekend for a hockey tournament in Kirkland. They won, which made it a really great time for the team!

    Good night everyone!

  9. Thank you, good friends--just talking it over with you really helps!
