Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday means a Happy Day at The Pond

If there were six cats,
there would be six cats staring.


  1. How's everyone doing today? Seems like a long week.

    We are having chilly nights so the trees are starting to change colors. Always a pretty sight when they are gold and red and glowing in the sunlight.

  2. Could use some cool air. Good morning frogfeeters.

  3. Fall is my favorite season. Unfortunately, we don't get Fall in Los Angeles.

    Waiting around today for the vet to call. Bambu seems recovered from his visit yesterday, but he's very quiet.

  4. Just love synchronized staring!

  5. Hi Phoobers and Eva! I got really good news at the wound care center yesterday--in fact, the doctor came in, and she brought all her techs in to see the amazing progress my heel has made. I can't believe how fast it's healing. It's gone from 4" to 1" in about 3 weeks and has filled in all but the last layer. Yay!

    Our weather is more reasonable--the humidity has been unbearable for the last 2 weeks--and it's too cold to open the wndeows at the same time.

    Eva, let us know about Bambu. I lovie you, Phoo!

    1. Froggy, just read about your good news. PTL!!! How wonderful it must feel to get a good report - not just good, great! I am happy for you, Hon.

    2. Now we pray for Frog's hand.

    3. So good to hear the good news about your foot, Froggy! As Froggy said, now for the hand to heal. Prayers every day. SMOOCH!

  6. Hi Phooey, Gloria, Eva, Surfie...
    We have some smoke today from wildfires. Bothers Froggy's eyes, so we have windows closed today.

    Anyone else in WA bothered by the smoke?

    1. Wog, Scott pointed out the smoke to me. The haze is all across the valley.

  7. Yay, Froggy and her wonder foot! That is truly great news.

    Bambu has an elevated white blood cell count, so there's an infection. The vet is seeing if his urine grows any bacteria (or something like that) to see if she can tailor an antibiotic to a specific infection. If it doesn't grow something, she'll just give him amoxycilin. She'll call me tomorrow about that. Also, she said his kidney enzymes are a bit high, which does indicate that they aren't functioning the way they used to. Not surprising, given his age.

    My baby Bambu was pretty quiet today and not too active. I stayed home and bit my fingernails. I'll be glad to get the medicine and start giving it to him so he can start recovering.

    1. Eva,
      Goods news for Bambu. He should be okay now. We have all been waiting with you...and biting our fingernails too.
