Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Have a great Tuesday, Ponders!


  1. Good morning! My, it's pouring down rain here! Our building was emptied by the fire alarm at about 11 p.m.--we stopped on the 5th floor. Never did find out what set it off. I was dead asleep! What does your Tuesday look like?

    1. Sheesh - You and Wog got hauled out of bed at 11? Did you see your neighbors in robes and PJs? How are you healing? The colds and back things. Better I hope.

      I see sunlight this morning. Peanut sends Wolfie a nose kiss.(Somehow I just cannot bring myself to say "smoochies" - it's just not me.)

      I'll check in later. Love my Pond friends.

    2. Yes, we saw people we've never seen before. One man stepped out his apartment carrying two large cages full of "pet" rats.

  2. Oh gosh, I hope you spend today sleeping to make up for having to jump out of bed for a fire alarm! Is 'Wog's back okay?

    It's very sunny here today. It may just get up to 70 (cool for us), but it'll be bright out. Not doing anything terribly interesting. Just the usual.

  3. Gloria SMOOCHIES! LOL! I hope 'Woggy's back is okay; she dashed off to school while I was still in bed. Loved the guy with 'pet' rats... My cold is at status quo--it's 'Woggy I'm concerned about. I'll see how she is when she comes home.

    I'm watching Wolfie play with his mouse--he's sooooo cute! Where's Phoobers? I don't even know what I'm doing this afternoon...

    1. Tickle toes, tickle toes. Still praying for health and healing.

  4. Hi Everyone..can't visit right now. Have to run for a bus. Froggy, bus comes at 4:10, but I have to get CAT FOOD before I come home.

  5. Hi, deer Ponders! Whew, what a busy day at work today (so what else is new?). The weather here is unusually warm for this time of year. Mid 70's, sunny, very little wind. Supposed to have our first blast of very cold winter just after Thanksgiving.

    I'm peeved today about something other than politics. Daylight savings time. I live in a safe place, but really don't like getting home when it's dark outside.

    People must be cheering up (getting over the election and into the holiday spirit). A bunch of people in my apartment complex rescued puppies in the past few days. I was out on my patio after work and 4 different puppies ran inside my railing to say Hi! They were the cutest little things!

    Still praying for Phooey, Wog, Froggy. I keep all of you in my prayers every day. Love you all!

    1. PS, Phooey. I'm watching NCIS!!!!

  6. Hi Surfie, Eva, Gloria...I treated myself to a bag of pistachios...on the theory that I needed something to eat while I waited for buses.

    We had some very strange, bizarre weather this afternoon. The sky turned really black. Then the wind finished off any leaves left on the trees. Of course, it was raining too. Pretty scary. A lot of places are flooded, but downtown Seattle is okay.

    Surfie, what kind of puppies came to visit? I love puppies and kittens. So cute!

    Phooey, is Tickle Toes a song? If it isn't, it should be.

    1. I looooove pistachios! I wish they weren't so expensive.

    2. Eva, I found a 2 for 1 deal on the pistachios. I ate one bag as soon as I got home; the other, I told Froggy to hide it, and give it to me for the holiday-time.
