Friday, November 23, 2012

Hoppy Day to Pond Family

Happy Feelings and Morning Ribbbets


  1. Good Morning Ponders,
    Did anyone get up at 3am to go shopping? Not me! I need to stock up on cat food -again- but I can wait until it's light outside. In the meantime, Froggy beat me to the leftovers. I think I'll start with pie and ice cream. Be back later.

  2. Yum, pistachios.
    Here is an easy pasta recipe using pistachios.
    Cook up some pasta and set aside.
    In a pan using a small amount of oil cook chicken (raw, cut into pieces or left over turkey)
    Add crushed garlic and a handful of pistachios. Squeeze in some lemon juice.
    Stir back in pasta, toss with parmesan cheese and chopped green onions. Salt and pepper to taste.
    Add more lemon if you like.

  3. I have been having trouble posting. My computer keeps freezing up. Very annoying. I have finally decided to write in a word doc and copy and paste. Worked great. Has anyone else been having the same problem?

    1. Sometimes blogger gets fussy about posting. I just wait a couple minutes and try again.

  4. Love them 'stachios! I gave Froggy a bag of pistachios to hide for my Christmas I don't eat them now. They are too tempting.

    Gloria thanks for the recipe. Would never thought to put them in pasta.

    I went downtown this morning. Ended up in Sees candy store. Yes, I bought candy. Then I went down the street and bought some veggies to overcome the guilt about buying candy.

    We are now watching college football. Two Washington teams playing...Huskies and the Cougars. We are Cougar fans. Froggy finally went back to bad for another nap, and I can't keep my eyes open. Keep dozing off at the computer. Probably ate too much candy! Does candy make you sleepy?

  5. Well, we divided our turkey tv dinner, and had a whole pan of the hot rolls we love. 'Woggy brought in a small box of See candy--and were watching the Huskies game--we like the Cougars.
