Saturday, November 3, 2012

Have a wonderful weekend!

Yowza! It's time to vote!!


  1. Fire ant mounds nor broken glass will stop me from voting.
    Good morning ladies and blessings all around. Hi Wolfie!

    1. What about the palmetto bugs and horseflies, Phoobers? hee

    2. That thought only makes me hungry. I'm a frog!

  2. Good morning Ponders. Today we will put our mail in ballots in the dropbox. I feel cheated out of voting at a polling place on election day. "They" say it saves money to have everyone vote by mail in. I say it gives dems more chances to cheat something that Washington is well knon for.

    Good news on the Steve front. He has been listening to my rants. He has been taking the movie 2016 around to share with friends.

  3. Good news from Steve, to be sure, Gloria.

    Joe has already voted via absentee ballot, but I like to go to our polling place on election day. Four years ago, I stood in line and kept my mouth shut while listening to everyone around me going into raptures about Obama. I bet I don't hear that kind of enthusiasm Tuesday, but I wouldn't be surprised if they all mark their ballots for him anyway. They'll be in for a BIG surprise (but not as far as the state goes, I'm afraid).

  4. Gloria, I would feel cheated, too, and agree that mail-in voting and early voting opens the door to voter fraud. Absentee ballots for those who can't get to a physical polling place or for military or people who will be out of town are fine.

    But don't open them ahead of time and start leaking to the press what those votes are. Sheesh.

    The last time I voted for a president, I lived in Los Angeles. At the time, I had been a widow for 10 months. I took our son to vote for his 1st time. Nobody was there, yet Obama took our district.

    Now I'm in flyover country. OK is one of the reddest states, and Mitt will win every county. I hope that I get to stand in line on 11/6 at my polling place. It will be my pleasure

  5. I feel cheated not being able to go to the polls, too. Washington state being what it is, I figure they see my-always-Pubbie-vote and just throw it in the trash...

    1. Darling Froggy, how is your foot? and your hand?

    2. How sweet of you to ask, Phoobers! My hand is finally getting better--and my heel has all it's own skin back. You can't believe how fast it's healed--it was 4 inches across and I was so worried I'd lose my foot. I've really been so blessed--and you all have been so good to pray for me! I love you, Phoo, don't ever forget that.

  6. Hi All...Gloria, Eva, Surfie, Phooey
    Guess we are all a wreck waiting for the vote to be done. Froggy wants me to come home from school early on Tuesday. So I'll be leaving at lunchtime. Won't be able to do school work because I'll be wondering what's going on!

    I like the vote-by-mail, but I do wonder about cheating. The vote-counters cheat a lot here in Washington...anything they can get away with. We sure could use a Republican govenor too. Gregoire (D) is hurting this state.

  7. It seems I have spent this whole year waiting for Nov 6.

    1. Gloria, I know what you mean about the waiting. I didn't think we had a chance to get a different president. I read somewhere on my Internet travels today (and have thought myself many times), obama doesn't do presidential duties to guide the country; he only campaigns. If it doesn't fit in as a campaign message, he doesn't bother; ESPN is more important.

      SOMETHING TO PONDER: Where is michelle O? It is not like her to be quiet, or to take a trip somewhere for some "important fashionista" shopping. What is she up to? Or did the dems ask that she stay in the background. That must be hard for her!

    2. Michelle is probably trying to plan a last minute vacation. Maybe a final holiday party extravaganza too.

    You'll like this one!
    From Politico, by-line Maggie Haberman

    "Mitt Romney has been making a pitch for bipartisanship in the closing days of the race, and this morning rolled out an endorsement from Hillary Clinton's former Senate state director, Gigi Georges:

    'For most of my life, I’ve been an active Democrat. I am proud to have worked for President Bill Clinton and then-Senator Hillary Clinton, and, during that time, I saw firsthand what can be accomplished by strong, bipartisan leadership. I know what it means to work across the aisle on issues that are important to the American people. And that’s why I am supporting Mitt Romney. Governor Romney has a plan to restore the prosperity this country deserves and expects. He will work with people of good will no matter what their party, and he will pursue the policies that are in the best interest of our country, no matter who proposes them. That’s what President Obama promised to do four years ago. But like so many of his promises, bipartisan cooperation is just another one he has broken. We can’t have four more years of failed policies and two parties that can’t work together. We need the change Mitt Romney is offering.'"

    Read More:

    I keep finding interesting stories.

    "Despite devastation and millions of power outages in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, a utility crew from Alabama said it has been unable to help a ravaged New Jersey shore town due to a union dispute.

    Officials from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers presented Alabama-based Decatur Utilities with documents that “required our folks to affiliate with the union,” Ray Hardin, general manager of Decatur, told FOX Business on Friday. “That was something that we could not agree to. It was our understanding and still is that it was a requirement for us to work in that area.”

    Read more:
