Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday... Any day with a cat is a good day!

Give a cat a bag
and he'll be happy... til dinner 


  1. Hi All..Slow going today. Napping, eating, petting cat, and watching football.

    I'm cooking a pot roast today. I'm not a good cook, but I can make a tasty roast if I have a pressure cooker. Will have potatoes, carrots, cabbage wth melted cheese.... I made myself hungry.

    Surfie, we are okay in Seattle. Didn't feel any earthquakes. Can't believe that earthquake in Vancouver Island caused a tsunami all the way to Hawaii.

  2. Had another story to share. San Diego Zoo has a baby panda. You can see mom and baby on their panda-cam. San Diego Zoo has only had six baby pandas. This is a very special occasion as all pandas are on loan from China. And it can take many years for a panda to have one baby.

  3. Good afternoon, Ponders. We started the day off with a 3.8 earthquake. It was nearby, so even though it was a small scale shaker, we felt it strongly. No problems, though.

    That panda baby is a little doll! I just want to squeeze it. Mama probably wouldn't approve ;-)

    Enjoying football Sunday, but no game today can possibly beat the joy I felt when my Georgia Bulldogs beat the Florida Gators yesterday. Florida was ranked #2 in the nation.

  4. Hi guys. Thanks for my birthday party. It's cool and windy here today 68 degrees. Sorry about my dancing skills. Love to all.

    1. Phooey, it was our pleasure to give you a party. About your dancing... all of us Ponders enjoyed all the happy hopping.

  5. Hi folks. I was just looking on WND and found a very interesting article. Do we still call them articles? It is by a Hebrew expert on the Bible Code. DOES BIBLE CODE PREDICT PRESIDENT ROMNEY. I am fascinated by the Bible Code and so enjoyed listening to a heavy Hebrew accent.

  6. Hi Gloria, I'll let Froggy know about this. Sound fascinating. She was tired and went to bed early. I get stuck feeding the cat... according to a schedule... so I'll be here for a little while.
