Friday, December 7, 2012

Good Morning, Frog Aunties and Uncle Phoo!

has a new member!


  1. Everyone--see Paget's exciting post from last night--it's a surprise!

    Chag Sameach, Eva!

  2. God bless all the remaining Pearl Harbor survivors; let's remember the sacrifice of those who died.

    1. We visited Pearl Harbor a few weeks ago. I was a bit apprehensive about the visit, as I thought it would be incredibly sad. Indeed it was sad, but it did my heart good to see that this sacred resting place is treated with the honor it deserves. The movie shown at the memorial was the most informative and respectful one I've ever seen about this attack.

  3. Aww, Thank you Froggy! :D I can't wait to hold the little guy! I plan to get skype soon so he'll know his "virtual grandma". ;)

  4. Big hugs and kisses on being a Grandma, Paget!! Welcome to the world Kaden. We'll try and make it a better one for you.

    That little kitty stapler yesterday was priceless.

    Moving is a pain. Very stressful, no matter how close or far, how little or how much you have to pack. Red tape makes things worse. If it's a better living situation for you, then you should do it if you can, of course.

    Got a lot to do today. Running around. The furballs are still sacked out and I wish I could be back in bed with them.

    G-d bless the men of Pearl Harbor! Over 500,000 left the workforce. That's one way to get the unemployment numbers down!

  5. Uncle Phoo... I like it! Welcome Kaden. Yay Paget!

  6. 'Wog--Tate sounds perfect, we both qualify, she has an application before ours, though, that she must consider. We have an tentative appt. on Mon. at 3 p.m. Free parking (we'd be first on the wait list), cats, no roaches--I say go if we can go!

    No maintenance up here yet.

    1. OhmygoodnessIamsoooexcited!
      We can really do this! Free parking..that is tempting to get another car. I like that I can walk to the store. And the bus. And the drugstore. And McDonalds.

    2. I hope you guys don't mind. I snooped and looked up Tate House. I hope is was OK if not I am sorry. I am so happy for you. It looks really nice. They have some nice amenities. No bugs and no neighbor who keeps rats! It looks pretty new which can only be an improovement for your health. Wog I can see why you are so excited. Tell more when you find out. How will you move your stuff? OMG! I am so excited for you.

      A new baby and this too!

    3. Well, there's someone ahead of us now.... so wait until Mon.--and there might be some qualification we're missing (she couldn't hear me too well, so I couldn't ask much)...

      Toilet's fixed... ;-)

    4. Froggy, some people loose their place in line because they cannot deal with moving during the holidays. If you are ready it could work to your advantage. That is how my Mom and Dad skipped to the front of the line for their appt.

  7. Froggy
    Leaving on 3:45 bus. "I have hunger now, you know." quote from Fargo

  8. Hi Grandma Paget and all Pond Aunties and Uncle Phoo. There's nothing better than a new baby. So sweet and pure ... and they smell like Heaven!

    Froggy and Wog, sounds like this move will be wonderful for you. If you don't get to the top of the list, you're still on the list. Right? You're in my prayers about this move, and the timing. Wish all of us Ponders could fly to Seattle and help you with the packing/logistics!

    We've been wondering if winter was ever coming to OKC. It's been T-shirt weather, but that is changing Sunday night. First blast of arctic air Sunday night and maybe snow flurries Monday. I'm actually looking forward to winter (but I'll be complaining about it soon enough).

    Bad/good news for me is I have to work most of the weekend. Bad that I can't slack off, good that I get lots of overtime pay. Also good because the company owner wants me to compile employee attendance/production reports so he can give them a Christmas bonus. (All year he said not to bother because he wasn't giving any this year.) So ... I'll be working so everybody can get a bonus.

    Love my Ponders!

  9. Hi Ya'll...I'm a happy little 'WOG. It's Friday. I'm home, already in 'WOG-p'jamas, and Wolfie has been fed and is in nap-mode. Froggy is perusing Christmas ads.

    Paget, we are all excited to share your joy. New baby, our own Pond-Baby, a new 'WOG-let.

    Surfie, so glad to see that your boss is trying to give everyone a good Christmas. We have been having cold and rain for a couple weeks now. Not looking for snow in Seattle. I don't mind snow if I don't have to drive in it.

    "Fargo" is on TV, So will be busy for couple hours.
    Goodnight Dear Friends..
    Goodnight Uncle Phoo..
