Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday ...Cat chuckles


  1. Good morning!

    'Wog--what are the requirements of the move? I won't be 55 until May... Are you ready?

    Phoo--you okay?

    PAGET!!! How are you?

    1. Hi Froggy, Julie didn't say about the requirements on the phone. Can you call her? If not, that's okay. We are not ready to move yet. Just need to know what the place wants us to do. I would at least like to look at the building. I was in the lobby once.

  2. Are you moving? How far will you be from where you live now?

    About the kitty pic - it looks to be the puuuurrrrfect gift for cat lovers. A kitty stapler.

    1. Gosh, honey, I don't know--this is so sudden! It's senior housing on a sliding scale and we thought the age limit was 55 and up and I won't be that until May 8th, but I left a message for the woman back and we're going to see what's up with this. Gad! We were told it would take a year and a half!

    2. Oh, it's about 2-3 blocks from where we live now.

    3. Kitty stapler--I love it! You have such a clever sense of humor, Gloria!

    4. One of the best things about senior housing is that the building and apartments are set up with safety for seniors in mind. In our county there is also a transport bus to take residents to doctors and shopping. I hope it works out for you.

    5. Froggy, that would be great for you and Wog! My MIL lives in a nice senior housing apartment bldg. here in Kennewick, WA.

      I'm surprised that there is a rule that you have to wait until you're 55. In my MIL's previous senior apt. in Portland, OR, the sliding scale also included adults of any age if they were handicapped or disabled. Maybe each state determines their own rules? Regardless; it sounds like someone down there is reasonable! I'm glad you two will be moving! :)

  3. Kitty stapler! that's a hoot!
    I am looking at housing near the same area where we live. The one I want is closer to a food store, but still on the bus line. And they take "bad" kittys.

    Froggy...I wrote you a note up higher on the comments.

    1. I already had called her back, hon. The phone is on--don't forget milk tonight ;-)

  4.! I'd better hurry! Leaving for bus right now...

  5. You're moving? Hope they can bend on the birthdate thing. On the other hand, maybe you'd rather wait so you have more time to get packed? Moving can be a real pain, but it's always wonderful to get settled into a new place.

    Tomorrow's TGIF, I'm watching an NCIS rerun and have Christmas bling going on in the house. I'm a happy woman!

    Love to the Pond family!

  6. Hello pond friends! I'm a grandma! :D

    Little Kaden Ross was born today! He weighs 6 lb, 3 oz. and is 17.6 inches. (He was a week early) Mom and baby are doing fine, and I'm so excited to finally be a grandma! :D Wish they lived close by; but they're across the state. (Gloria, you know how that is!) We'll be visiting them at Christmas. :)

    Love you pond friends! :)

    1. Just checking in and behold! Paget what wonderful news! Congratulations to the new Mommy and Daddy and the new Grandma and Grandpa. Blessings all around. May little Kaden's life be blessed and may he be a blessing.

    2. Thanks, Gloria for the lovely blessing! :)

  7. Congratulations!!! Kiss sweet Kaden for his Pond Aunties when you see him!
