Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday. Great day for Ponders

Party at my lily pad after work


  1. Happy NCIS night Surfie. Good morning ponders.

  2. Good morning all! Still having record-breaking cold temps in L.A. Thank goodness for 2 soft, warm & purring bodies to cuddle with. No offense to my husband :)

    Right now, as I'm at the computer, the boys are stationed in front of the space heater.

    Maybe I'll go work out today. Sort of get back my energy before attempting Zumba class.

  3. Good Morning Phooey, NCIS! That will make you happy. Haven't seen Surfie yet today. But you know she will be watching NCIS. Are you watching the new NCIS: LA?

    Good Morning Eva. I've been cold in California, but never freezing-cold. It's good that you have a cuddle-husband and your two snuggle-boys. I don't know how cats can "cook" over a heater vent.

  4. Hey all after a delightfully warm weekend cool and grey. Today is hat day my pups destroyed my two favorite hats so I am stuck with a joke hat from BG that says. "kiss my bass" it kinda embarrasses me but I love the fit .
    My pup Minion has been playing with his sock knot all day it's just a stupid black sock tied in a knot but to him it is better than all the toys I ever bought him. Silly wonderful. Us sly dog :)

  5. Silly dog spell check got me again

  6. Hiker, dogs are wonderful. Send us Minion stories anytime. I had a cocker-sized dog for years. I'm just too old to be walking a dog now. And I don't like them stuck in an apartment without a yard to run around. My little guy loved to ride in the car. Used to take him to the beach to chase the seagulls.

    'WOG says: Does any of this surprise you. I thought the Big O already stepped out of line when he instituted obamacare. No one tells him that he can't do something.

    "Former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III declared in an exclusive Newsmax TV interview that President Barack Obama could easily be impeached if he bypassed Congress and enacted gun-control legislation by executive order.


    “I’m confident there are some steps we can take that don’t require legislation and that are within my authority as president,” Obama said.

    “It would not be legal. It would not be constitutional,” Meese, who served under President Ronald Reagan, tells Newsmax. “And, indeed, if he tried to override the Second Amendment in any way, I believe it would be an impeachable offense.”

    Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/newswidget/meese-obama-guns-impeachable/2013/01/14/id/471412?promo_code=F470-1&utm_source=Fox_Politics&utm_medium=nmwidget&utm_campaign=widgetphase2#ixzz2I5iTBSME

    1. Hi Wog. Wasn't Ed Meese the AG for Reagan? I would tend to respect his opinion and interpretation of our Constitution rather than Holder.

    2. Yes, you are right about Ed Meese. He did work under Reagan.

  8. I was reading on the Connection. What has happened over there? Does anyone know? I seldom post there anymore. They are right. Some of the new posters on the main site have gotten pretty rough.
    I found Lucianne because I used to listen to Tony Snow. I spend a lot of time by myself (not by choice). After 9/11 Lucianne filled a void for me and kept me sane. Sad to see what has happened.

    1. Hi Gloria, Thanks for reminding me of Tony Snow. Can't believe that he is gone...but still in our hearts.

      It seems that any group on the Internet will turn mean if there isn't some moderation. I've seen it before when Froggy was a co-moderator of a group. When she left, the group just went down-hill. Foggy never allows people to be mean to each other. That's why The Pond is so comfortable and friendly. But it does seem that Froggy has attracted a truly lovely bunch of friends.

    2. Gloria, I found Lucianne the same way you did. I haven't been over to the Connection in a couple of months. I'll have to drop by and see what's going on.

      I sent Tony Snow an email when he was in the hospital and he actually took the time to email back. I couldn't believe, in the midst of all he was dealing with, that he'd take the time. A wonderful, wonderful man. I still miss him.
