Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Welcome to Wednesday!

Spring is coming!


  1. Good morning--I feel better this a.m.--how about you?

  2. I missed yesterday for some reason.

    So much bad news on the national front. What fresh hell are we in for?

    The weather is gorgeous today and should be warm. That helps.

    Gloria, I'm so happy for your son and his job. Hearing that he likes it, hearing that Surfie loves her job, makes me have hope. OTOH, my friend Steve who had to leave L.A. after losing everything, is hating North Carolina. He has been there since November and just can't adjust. He's such a city boy. He finds fault with things most people would love, but the worst part is not being able to find work. Mostly, employers tell him he is too qualified. I told him not to dress up for interviews and to not be afraid to say he needs the job. His last interview was for a part-time position at Lowe's. He was embarrassed to even be applying for it. I'm sure that didn't help him.

    Back later. Everyone have a great day!

    1. Eva, Why did your friend pick North Carolina? I'm a West Coast person, and I wouldn't be happy on the East Coast. Also I don't recommend moving with no job waiting. Been there, done that.

      I worked all kinds of "silly" jobs before I found a decent job in Seattle (by accident), and stayed for seven years. Your friend could start at Lowe's while he applies for jobs he would like. Can he start his own business: write books, music, photography, motivator, consultant?

    2. I know what you mean about our country - Fresh hell descibes my feelings exactly! I couldn't believe that so many Repubs voted for Hagel yesterday! I am so disgusted with the whole bunch! :( I want to say that I was happy to see that Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio voted against him. However, what was up with Rand Paul? He caved, and I really had hopes for him. His response was that the president deserves to have his choices for his cabinet. Good grief, the president is doing his best to fundatmentally change this country, and we all know he is destroying it. Some days it is really hard to see the silver lining. I know there is still one out there somewhere.

      On a more trivial note; my chocolate bread loaf turned out fine. Everyone liked it! :) Wog, if you want a recipe from almost any restaurant chain, you can usually find it online. If the original isn't out there, you can find a good copycat version. Starbuck's puts their recipes online, which I think is good of them. I checked, and it is $2.25 a slice at Starbucks to buy the chocolate loaf, so it is a lot cheaper to make. Just very time consuming! Next time I'll make it on a Saturday. :)

      Take care, everyone! :)

    3. I loved baking sweets; now, I can't, of course, with diabetes. I don't really like sugar substitutes--and they don't bake the same. Bake some for me and enjoy 'em!

    4. Paget, I didn't know that restaurants put their recipes online. Thanks for letting us know. Glad your baking turned out tasty! It certainly sounds good.

  3. Hi everyone. I enjoy coming here because you all seem to reflect my own views and opinions. This is a safe place to rant.

    Eva, I am so sorry your friend hasn't found work yet. The older we get the more difficult it is to fit in with the younger work force. I hope your friend Steve isn't isolated. Does he have any family nearby? Hard to start over. How old is he? His situation makes me sad.

    Fresh hell is a perfect way of describing what we are going through. I can hardly listen to the news anymore. I think Fox is slipping in more and more liberal stuff.

    Scott and I were talking today about old Dems like Scoop Jackson. That was my parents Democratic Party. They went to DC to do their work then came home to the people that they represented. Now the libs live in DC and represent lobbyists and themselves.

    1. We love having you ;-) And, yes, we're either mostly all on the same page, or we're accepting of our differences. That's a bit different than the Connection--though it might be better now.

      I'm glad Steve likes his job--and I do confuse him with Scott ;-)

  4. Howdy folks. Froggy, hope you feel better every day. Eva, what part of NC is Steve living?

    1. Thanks, Phooberry--it's my back, and there's no help for it. Hope you're better, too ;-)

  5. Hi Phooey, You asked Eva a great question. Eva, whereabouts is your friend trying to get a job?

    I lived around North Carolina for a while. Even got the Southern accent. I still have a little bit of an accent.

  6. Steve moved to Hendersonville, NC because a childhood friend invited him to stay with her. It's close to Asheville. She has her own home, is about to retire from her job, and has no family at all. It sounded like an answer to a prayer. Steve is going to be 58 next month. He doesn't want to be a burden on his family. He & his older brother don't really get along. His younger sister & her husband have two sons to put through college. His Mom, bless her heart, means well, but he'd go bonkers living with her.

    This is a guy who used to be an advertising person who, after leaving that field, became a realtor. For years he juggled multi-million dollar properties. He sold our old condo and found us the one we're in now. When the housing bubble burst, instead of switching to another line of work, he went through his savings, pension funds, refinanced his condo twice and then lost everything. It was really scary.

    He went into shock and Joe & I practically forced him across the country to get him out of L.A. He left with his car, a suitcase, his dog Buster, and $1000 we gave him. Joe got his car tuned up for him and I plotted his trek east, telling him which hotels/motels to stay at (the ones who took pets and weren't expensive). Another friend bought him a cellphone and a months worth of minutes so he could stay in touch. I made him promise to call me from every rest stop and every night when he stopped driving. Believe me, I was just as exhausted as he was once he arrived in N.C.

    He's one of my closest friends. Actually, he's the one who introduced Joe to me. I've never seen someone fall apart like that before. From a guy who could negotiate 6 figure deals without batting an eyelash to one who sat in the dark when his electricity was turned off, was a slide I couldn't believe. He used to rail against Dodd-Frank, write emails against illegal immigration, explain to people in the dog park why Obama was so dangerous. He had so much energy!

    Well, he's recovering his sense of humor, if nothing else. The emails he writes about life in the hills of NC are pretty hysterical. They are definitely not politically correct.

    1. Eva, thanks for the info. The only towns in North Carolina I remember being near are Moorhead City and Murfreesboro. If Steve is writing with humor, I see a book or an excellent source of material for a blog. I don't know how blogs make money, but some of them do. Keep all his emails and see if a book looks possible.
