Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Sunday, Froggers ;-)

Good Morning, Good Friends!


  1. Hi hi hi! I was reading this good article this morning:

    Loving the Enemy
    Janice Fiamengo
    Why the Left hates America

    It's over at Am Thinker--very good.

    How is everyone. Surfie is cooking;-)

  2. Good morning! Sometimes, I forget how early I wake up and that we are in different time zones. Glad you mentioned American Thinker. One of my favorite places.

    Just saying you might not hear from me tomorrow. It's 60 and sunny today, but a storm is coming tonight. When I leave for work tomorrow, it will be raining. They say that by noon it will be a snow blizzard. 20-30 mph wind with 6-8" of snow.

    I'll be happy when Spring comes!

  3. Well, I just beat 'Wogette at Scrabble; we played 3 games yesterday 'cause it was cold out. We get the wind off the bay...

    Be careful driving, hon ;-)

  4. Just dropping by to say howdy to the pond people. Low 70's cloudy and drizzly here. A good day to do nothing. Prayers for Karen Surfie. Froggy, I wouldn't dare play scrabble anymore with my speiling abilities. Love to all.

    1. She let me put 'T-Rex' on the board... ;-) She's a nice sister.

  5. Sis, I do let you fudge a little. But you really are excellent at Scrabble.

  6. 'Wog trivia: I race the cat to the kitchen when it's time to feed him. You have to run really, really fast to beat a hungry cat!

  7. Sounds like everyone is having a nice relaxing day. I finished watching The Blind Side and season one of Downton Abbey. I came late to the party so now I am filling in the blanks.

    Just went to the grocery store for a few things. Wow. I am amazed at the price of meat now. Everything is costing more. Cooking around here is difficult with the two pickies. They both don't like a lot and I am trying to eliminate gluten from my diet.

    1. Gloria, I haven't heard of "The Blind Side." Is that a movie or a new TV show? We are always looking for something new and interesting.

      Meat is expensive if you look back at what we used to pay. I remember paying a couple bucks for a T-bone.

  8. The Blind Side is a wonderful movie from a few years ago that starred Sandra Bullock. True story.

    This year's Oscars were the worst ever. Believe it or not, they had Michelle Obama give the Oscar for Best Picture (with an assist from Jack Nicholson because she's in D.C.). Has Hollywood ever been this shameless?? I guess they've given up completely on half of the country. Joe & I almost threw up. We couldn't believe it. Horrible, horrible show.

  9. Thanks Eva. I do remember The Blind Side now. I'll have to see if it's On Demand (Comcast TV). We didn't watch Oscars. michell O!!! She's always showing up on some entertainment show. Does she get a reality or talk show when they leave the White House?
