Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy Tuesday, Ponders!


  1. Here's the whole farm! How's everyone this Tuesday? 'Woggy seems a little better...

  2. Good Morning, all!

    Glad to hear 'Wog is better. Every day should see an improvement until she's 100% again.

    I got my sister out of Mass. and down to Georgia. That was a big deal because her husband was making all sorts of trouble. For someone who abandoned his wife, he sure didn't want to let go. I think I did a couple not-quite-legal maneuvers to get her away, but I'm hoping her physical and mental condition, once seen by doctors, will cover me. What I did was long-distance, but now my niece and father will have the hard part of dealing with a "broken" woman, close to helpless. I don't know if they can help her recover if she's legally still married, but that's one of the things on the pages long list of stuff that has to be taken care of. Very sad stuff, but at least phase 1 is over.

    I thought last night was going to be my first real uninterrupted sleep in the past 2 weeks, but I was wrong. Sometime around 1 am, Puffin threw up on me! Had to get up, change pjs, cover part of the bed, and get back in to a much smaller area. All without waking Joe. Puffin is lucky I didn't throw him across the room (& honestly, I thought about it).

    Now to start the day. I need to focus on some things closer to home again.

    Everyone have a great day!

  3. I am so happy that Wog is feeling better. The concern that we have for our loved ones can take a toll on us too. When my family is going through something I just want to make it better.

    Eva, I hope I am not out of line to ask about your sisters illness. I was wondering if she has MS? I am thinking she will be safe with her Dad and daughter nearby.

    1. Gloria, I don't think she has MS, but I'm sure it'll be one of the things the docs check out. I'm counting on my niece to make sure every possible avenue is covered. I'm afraid the future looks very bleak, but at least she is safe and will no longer be dependent on her husband. The situation with him is very complicated and getting more so.

      Thanks for asking. It's why I love having the Pond to go to!

    2. Eva, One thing that may help her is to document all of it.

  4. Eva, I'm so glad you got your sister into a safe, loving place where she has a chance of recovery. From what you've told us, everyone has a lot of hard work ahead of them. All of us here hold you and your family in our deepest prayers. We love you and your family with all our hearts.

    You, deer Ponders, are such wonderful friends. Thank you, Froggy, for creating this place. I'm grateful to be a part of this family.

    1. Me three :).

      Gloria, I'm trying to document as much as possible. I made her forward all her husband's emails to me. I'm sure I'm missing a chunk of stuff. She has a mental health evaluation tomorrow. I'm hoping that will point us in the right direction. If it isn't enough, maybe combined with her physical disabilities, it'll be enough to get her into a group home of some kind.

      Thanks again for everyone's kind thoughts and prayers. It means more than I can say.
